Subject: "BN Resistance"

Group by: No Grouping | Date | Author | Language | Publication Type
Number of items at this level: 293.

Baines, Joseph

Encumbered Behemoth: Wal-Mart, Differential Accumulation and International Retail Restructuring (Preprint)
Baines, Joseph. (2015). In Handbook of the International Political Economy of Production. Edited by van der Pijl, Kees. Edward Elgar, pp. 149-166. (Book Chapter; English).

Fuel, Feed and the Corporate Restructuring of the Food Regime
Baines, Joseph. (2015). The Journal of Peasant Studies. Vol. 42. No. 2, March. pp. 295-321. (Article - Journal; English).

Wal-Mart's Power Trajectory: A Contribution to the Political Economy of the Firm
Baines, Joseph. (2014). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 1, March. pp. 79-109. (Article - Journal; English).

Walmart’s Contested Expansion in the Retail Business: Differential Accumulation, Institutional Restructuring and Social Resistance
Baines, Joseph. (2012). Political Science. York University. October. pp. 1-33. (Article - Monograph; English).

Financial Crisis, Inequality, and Capitalist Diversity: A Critique of the Capital as Power Model of the Stock Market
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian. (2020). New Political Economy. Vol. 25. No. 1. pp. 122-139. (Article - Journal; English).

"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Baryon, Daniel

A Modern Anarchism (Part 1): Anarchist Analysis
Baryon, Daniel. (2023). March. pp. 1-24. (Article - Magazine; English).

Power -- Transcript and Video
Baryon, Daniel. (2020). The Anarchist Library. pp. 1-15. December. (Other; English).

Bichler, Shimshon

30 Years to the AIC. A Speech at Beit Sahur
Bichler, Shimshon. (2013). 5 October. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

The Road to Gaza
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2024). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2024/0. August. pp. 1-19. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Iron Heel: A Life Story (עקב הברזל: סיפור חיים)
Bichler, Shimshon. (2002). In The Iron Heel. Jerusalem. Carmel, pp. 259-277. (Book Chapter; Hebrew).

"על חמישים שנות בדידות: ספרו של אודי אדיב "המהפכה שלא הייתה (Fifty Years of Solitude: Udi Adiv's Book "The Revolution that Never Was")
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). August. pp. 1-5. (Review; Hebrew).

A CasP Model of the Stock Market
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/07. November. pp. 1-36. (Article - Working Paper; English).

A CasP Model of the Stock Market
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Real-World Economics Review. No. 77. December. pp. 119-154. (Article - Journal; English).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-5. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture (חברה). No. 6. March. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Can Capitalists Afford a Trumped Recovery?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Research Note. January. pp. 1-6. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Can Capitalists Continue to Squeeze the Income Share of Employees?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Research Note. November. pp. 1-4. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Capital as Power @ Historical Materialism 2018: Panel Series at The Great Transition Conference, Montreal, May 17-20, 2018
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Montreal. April. (Other; English).

Carrying the Elephants
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2022). Research Note. 6 August. pp. 1-5. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Conference Panel Proposals on "Capital as Power"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). July. (Other; English).

Corporate Power and the Future of U.S. Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Real-World Economics Review Blog. January. (Article - Magazine; English).

Corporate Power and the Future of U.S. Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Research Note. December. pp. 1-2. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Differential Accumulation and Middle East Wars: Beyond Neo-Liberalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). In Global Regulation. Managing Crises After the Imperial Turn. Edited by Assassi, Libby and Wigan, Duncan and van der Pijl, Kees. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 43-60. (Book Chapter; English).

Dominant Capital and the Government
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 5 October. (Article - Magazine; English).

Dominant Capital and the Government
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Research Note. October. pp. 1-7. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Dominant Capital and the New Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Journal of World-Systems Research. Vol. 10. No. 2, August. pp. 254-327. (Article - Journal; English).

El capital como poder. Un estudio del orden y el creorden.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2018). Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Jerusalem and Montreal. The Bichler & Nitzan Archives. (Book; Spanish).

El poder de las grandes empresas y el futuro del capitalismo en EEUU
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Revista Amor y Rabia. 3 January. (Article - Magazine; Spanish).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-4. (Article - Monograph; English).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars (Globale Kapitalakkumulation und neue Kriege im Nahen Osten)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Inamo. Informationsprojejekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten. No. 32. December. pp. 32-35. (Article - Magazine; German).

Growing through Sabotage: Energizing Hierarchical Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2017/02. July. pp. 1-59. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Growing through Sabotage: Energizing Hierarchical Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 5. May. pp. 1-78. (Article - Journal; English).

Introduction to "The Scientist and the Church"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 28 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

It's All About Oil
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Eclipse. The Anti War Review. No. 15, April-May. pp. 16-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/03. June. pp. 1-12. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Review of Capital as Power. No. 2. September. pp. 175-189. (Article - Journal; English).

Nine Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). September. (Other; English).

No Way Out
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 22 June. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Capitalization of Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Crime, Law and Social Change. Vol. 61. No. 3, April. pp. 251-271. (Article - Journal; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 21 November. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Dissident Voice. 23 November. pp. 1-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 4 December. pp. 1-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power (Transcript and Video)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). September. pp. 1-19. (Conference Paper / Proceedings; English).

Nonlinearities of the Sabotage-Redistribution Process
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Research Note. 19 May. pp. 1-5. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Regime Change and Dominant Capital: Lessons from Israel
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2023/02. August. pp. 1-22. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Seven Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). (Other; English).

The Asymptotes of Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). February. pp. 1-45. (Conference Paper / Proceedings; English).

The Asymptotes of Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Real-World Economics Review. No. 60, June. pp. 18-53. (Article - Journal; English).

The Capital As Power Approach. An Invited-then-Rejected Interview with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/2. June. pp. 1-58. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Capital As Power Approach. An Invited-then-Rejected Interview with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 2. September. pp. 96-174. (Article - Journal; English).

The CasP Project: Past, Present, Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 1-39. (Article - Journal; English).

The CasP Project: Past, Present, Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2015/04. December. pp. 1-29. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The End of Neoliberalism?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). June. pp. 1-3. (Article - Monograph; English).

The Limits of Capitalized Power. A 2020 U.S. Update
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/06. December. pp. 1-16. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Scientist and the Church.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2015). World Economic Association. (Book; English).

To the New Readers Innocent of the Undeconstructed Past: On the Second Edition of "Peace, Peace, and No Peace" (אל הקוראים החדשים אשר לא ידעו את העבר הלא-משופץ)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). March. pp. 1-4. (Review; Hebrew).

Todo Tiene Que Ver Con El Petróleo (It's All About Oil)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Papeles de Cuestiones Internacionales. No. 82. August. pp. 33-41. (Article - Magazine; Spanish).

Un Modelo CcP Del Mercado De Valores (A CasP Model of the Stock Market)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Revista de Economía Institucional. Translated from the English by Alberto Supelano. Vol. 19. No. 36. May. pp. 11-56. (Article - Journal; Spanish).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). News From Within. Vol. XVIII. No. 4, April. pp. 14-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). In Globalisation and the Palestinian Struggle. Edited by Yahni, Sergio. Alternative Information Centre. pp. 27-35. (In Collection; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Chamsesang Kongdongche. January. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

חשבתי שאטוס לדמשק ואעשה שינוי: אודי אדיב והמהפכה שלא היתה (I Thought I Would Fly to Damascus and Bring Change: Udi Adiv and the Revolution that Never Was)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Mekomit. 30 August. (Review; Hebrew).

The 1%, Exploitation and Wealth: Tim Di Muzio interviews Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim. (2012). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 1, September. pp. 1-22. (Article - Journal; English).

The 1%, Exploitation and Wealth: Tim Di Muzio interviews Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 2 October. (Article - Magazine; English).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Piotr Dutkiewicz in Conversation with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Dutkiewicz, Piotr. (2013). In 22 Ideas to Fix the World: Conversations with the World's Foremost Thinkers. Edited by Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Sakwa, Richard. New York University Press and the Social Science Research Council, pp. 326-354. (Book Chapter; English).

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/01. February. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 40-57. (Article - Journal; English).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Piotr Dutkiewicz talks with Shimshon Bichler (Капитализм как режим власти: Пётр Дуткевич беседует с Шимшоном Бихлером)
Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Bichler, Shimshon. (2013). Russia in Global Affairs. June. pp. 40-54. (Interview; Russian).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan interviewed by Piotr Dutkiewicz
Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). July. pp. 1-22. (Interview; English).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2009). (Other; English).

Capital as Power. A Study of Order and Creorder.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2009). RIPE Series in Global Political Economy. Routledge. (Book; English).

Clash of Civilizations or Capital Accumulation? Epilogue to the book "From War Profits to Peace Dividends" (מלחמת-תרבויות או הצבר-הון? אחרית לספר מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2004). pp. 1-67. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

It's All About Oil
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). News From Within. Vol. XIX. No. 1, January. pp. 8-11. (Article - Magazine; English).

It's All About Oil
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). Blue. Vol. 2. No. 70, February. (Article - Magazine; English).

It's All About Oil (È per il petrolio)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). Economia di guerra. February. pp. 16-19. (Article - Magazine; Italian).

Le capital comme pouvoir : une étude de l'ordre et du créordre.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2012). Traduit de l’anglais par Vincent Guillin. Paris. Max Milo. (Book; French).

New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2004). December. pp. 1-68. (Article - Monograph; English).

New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2006). Review. Vol. XXIX. No. 1, April. pp. 1-86. (Article - Journal; English).

The Invasion of Iraq and the Oil Business (הפלישה לעירק ועסקי הנפט)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). The Other Side (מצד שני). June. pp. 13-15. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

ההון ושברו (Capital and its Crisis).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2022). Haifa. Pardes. (Book; Hebrew).

המהפכה המשטרית" וקבוצות ההון הדומיננטיות" (Regime Change and Dominant Capital)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2023). September. pp. 1-19. (Article - Working Paper; Hebrew).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). (Other; English).

Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). September. (Other; English).

Brennan, Jordan

"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power -- Programme and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan and Brennan, Jordan and McMahon, James and Cochrane, DT. (2013). The Forum on Capital as Power, the Department of Political Science and the Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought. York University. (Other; English).

Cochrane, DT

"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Castoriadis, Veblen and the 'Power Theory of Capital'
Cochrane, DT. (2011). Edited by Straume, I. S. and Humphreys, J. F. Aarhus University Press, pp. 89-123. (Book Chapter; English).

From Colonialism to Climate Change: The Power to Externalize - Video
Cochrane, DT. (2017). Presentation at the Third Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power, Department of Politics, York University, Toronto. 24 October. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Review of Nitzan and Bichler's "Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder"
Cochrane, DT. (2010). Theory in Action. Vol. 3. No. 2, April. pp. 110-116. (Review; English).

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Capital as Power: An Audio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan
Cochrane, DT and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). September. (Interview; English).

Fight to Win! Tools for Confronting Capital
Monaghan, Jeffrey and Cochrane, DT. (2012). In The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics. Edited by Shannon, Deric and Nocella II, Anthony J. and Asimakopoulos, John. Oakland, CA. AK Press, pp. 95-116. (Book Chapter; English).

Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power -- Programme and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan and Brennan, Jordan and McMahon, James and Cochrane, DT. (2013). The Forum on Capital as Power, the Department of Political Science and the Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought. York University. (Other; English).

Constance, Douglas H.

Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities
Hendrickson, Mary K. and Howard, Philip H. and Constance, Douglas H.. (2017). Division of Applied Social Sciences Working Paper. University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 1 November. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

D'Alessio, Nestor

Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald. (2010). 19 June. (Other; German).

Debailleul, Corentin

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/01. February. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 40-57. (Article - Journal; English).

Di Muzio, Tim

The 1%, Exploitation and Wealth: Tim Di Muzio interviews Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim. (2012). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 1, September. pp. 1-22. (Article - Journal; English).

The 1%, Exploitation and Wealth: Tim Di Muzio interviews Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 2 October. (Article - Magazine; English).

Call for Contributions: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Critical Engagements with the Power Theory of Value"
Di Muzio, Tim. (2011). January. (Other; English).

Carbon Capitalism. Energy, Social Reproduction and World Order.
Di Muzio, Tim (2015). London and New York. Rowman & Littlefield International. (Book; English).

GameStop Capitalism. Wall Street vs. The Reddit Rally (Part I)
Di Muzio, Tim. (2021). University of Wollongong. February. pp. 1-13. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The 'Art' of Colonisation: Capitalising Sovereign Power and the Ongoing Nature of Primitive Accumulation
Di Muzio, Tim. (2007). New Political Economy. Vol. 12. No. 4, December. pp. 517-539. (Article - Journal; English).

The 1% and the Rest of Us. A Political Economy of Dominant Ownership.
Di Muzio, Tim (2015). London. Zed Books. (Book; English).

The Capitalist Mode of Power: Critical Engagements with the Power Theory of Value.
Di Muzio, Tim (2013). Routledge. (Book; English).

The Tragedy of Human Development. A Genealogy of Capital as Power.
Di Muzio, Tim (2017). London and New York. Rowman & Littlefield International. (Book; English).

Tim Di Muzio on 'Sabotage'
Di Muzio, Tim and Fix, Blair. (2021). Economics from the Top Down. 27 September. (Article - Magazine; English).

The 1% and the Rest of Us -- An Interview with Tim Di Muzio
Di Muzio, Tim and Mills, Tom. (2015). New Left Project. 3 July. (Interview; English).

Capitalismo de deuda. Una lectura crítica de la crisis mundial del endeudamiento.
Di Muzio, Tim and Robbins, Richard H. (2020). Prólogo: Viaje al centro del capitalismo de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Corrección: Carlos Bauer. Diseño de portada: Davis Gee. Manchester University Press. (Book; Spanish).

Debt as Power.
Di Muzio, Tim and Robbins, Richard H. (2015). London and New York. Bloomsbury Academic. (Book; English).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). (Other; English).

Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). September. (Other; English).

Doucette, Jamie

Financialization or Capitalization? Debating Capitalist Power in South Korea in the Context of Neoliberal Globalization
Park, Hyeng-Joon and Doucette, Jamie. (2016). Capital & Class. OnlineFirst. September. pp. 1-22. (Article - Journal; English).

Dutkiewicz, Piotr

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Piotr Dutkiewicz in Conversation with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Dutkiewicz, Piotr. (2013). In 22 Ideas to Fix the World: Conversations with the World's Foremost Thinkers. Edited by Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Sakwa, Richard. New York University Press and the Social Science Research Council, pp. 326-354. (Book Chapter; English).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Piotr Dutkiewicz talks with Shimshon Bichler (Капитализм как режим власти: Пётр Дуткевич беседует с Шимшоном Бихлером)
Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Bichler, Shimshon. (2013). Russia in Global Affairs. June. pp. 40-54. (Interview; Russian).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan interviewed by Piotr Dutkiewicz
Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). July. pp. 1-22. (Interview; English).

El Khoury, Ann

Globalization, Development and Social Justice. A Propositional Political Approach.
El Khoury, Ann (2015). London and New York. Routledge. (Book; English).

Endresen, Markus

The Notions of the Valuable: How Symbolic and Economic Value Discuss the Fragile Nature of Ecology in Frank Herbert’s Dune
Endresen, Markus. (2024). Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis in Language Studies with Teacher Education, Faculty of Humanities, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. (Thesis; English).

Fix, Blair

Tim Di Muzio on 'Sabotage'
Di Muzio, Tim and Fix, Blair. (2021). Economics from the Top Down. 27 September. (Article - Magazine; English).

Germain, Randall

Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). (Other; English).

Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan. (2015). Carleton University, Ottawa. October. (Other; English).

Hager, Sandy Brian

Financial Crisis, Inequality, and Capitalist Diversity: A Critique of the Capital as Power Model of the Stock Market
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian. (2020). New Political Economy. Vol. 25. No. 1. pp. 122-139. (Article - Journal; English).

"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Hendrickson, Mary K.

Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities
Hendrickson, Mary K. and Howard, Philip H. and Constance, Douglas H.. (2017). Division of Applied Social Sciences Working Paper. University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 1 November. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Hever, Shir

The Church of Economics: 'Capital and its Crisis', a Book by Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan (כנסיית בתי הספר לכלכלה: בעקבות הספר 'ההון ושברו' מאת שמשון ביכלר ויהונתן ניצן)
Hever, Shir. (2023). Zo Haderekh. 29 January. pp. 1-2. (Review; Hebrew).

Holman, Christopher

From Power Over Creation to the Power of Creation: Cornelius Castoriadis on Democratic Cultural Creation and the Case of Hollywood
Holman, Christopher and McMahon, James. (2015). Topia. No. 33, Spring. pp. 157-181. (Article - Journal; English).

Holmes, Brian

Holmes, Brian. (2006). July. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Hong, Gibin

Global Accumulation and the Future of the Global Political Economy: A Series of Articles (세계적 축적과 지구 정치 경제의 항뱡)
Hong, Gibin. (2003). PRESSian. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

Howard, Philip H.

Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities
Hendrickson, Mary K. and Howard, Philip H. and Constance, Douglas H.. (2017). Division of Applied Social Sciences Working Paper. University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 1 November. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Concentration and Power in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?.
Howard, Philip H. (2016). New York, NY. Bloomsbury Academic. (Book; English).

Hynes, David

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Kolasi, Erald

A New Cosmology for Analyzing Capitalism and the Global Order. Review of Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder
Kolasi, Erald. (2019). 29 August. pp. 1-2. (Review; English).

Machover, Moshé

Peace, Peace, and No Peace (שלום, שלום, ואין שלום).
Orr, Akiva and Machover, Moshé (1999). Second Edition. Israel. Self Published. (Book; Hebrew).

Marshall, Adam Patrick

Environmental Conflict, Capital as Power . . . and a Nice Trip to London
Marshall, Adam Patrick. (2023). Postgraduate Research at Manchester Met Research Blog. 25 May. pp. 1-3. (Article - Magazine; English).

Rethinking the Political Economy of Environmental Conflict: Lessons from the UK Fracking Controversy
Marshall, Adam Patrick. (2023). Unpublished PhD dissertation. Department of Marketing, International Business and Tourism. Manchester Metropolitan University. (Thesis; English).

Martin, Ulf

Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald. (2010). 19 June. (Other; German).

Mathoor, Vineeth

Review of Nitzan and Bichler's "Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder"
Mathoor, Vineeth. (2011). Capital & Class. Vol. 35. No. 2, June. pp. 337-340. (Review; English).

McMahon, James

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

From Power Over Creation to the Power of Creation: Cornelius Castoriadis on Democratic Cultural Creation and the Case of Hollywood
Holman, Christopher and McMahon, James. (2015). Topia. No. 33, Spring. pp. 157-181. (Article - Journal; English).

Is the Power of Mass Culture Profitable? - Video
McMahon, James. (2017). Presentation at the Third Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power, Department of Politics, York University, Toronto. 1 November. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Reconsidering Systemic Fear and the Stock Market: A Reply to Baines and Hager
McMahon, James. (2021). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 1. August. pp. 30-70. (Article - Journal; English).

Reconsidering Systemic Fear and the Stock Market: A Reply to Baines and Hager
McMahon, James. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. Version 1. No. 2020/04. July. pp. 1-36. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Political Economic Roots of Hollywood Strikes, 1950-2023
McMahon, James. (2024). Paper Presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference in Boston, March 14-17. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

The Political Economy of Hollywood. Capitalist Power and Cultural Production.
McMahon, James (2022). New York. Routledge. (Book; English).

Why Scorsese is Right About Corporate Power
McMahon, James. (2022). Class, Race and Corporate Power. Vol. 10. No. 1. pp. 1-17. (Article - Journal; English).

Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power -- Programme and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan and Brennan, Jordan and McMahon, James and Cochrane, DT. (2013). The Forum on Capital as Power, the Department of Political Science and the Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought. York University. (Other; English).

Mills, Tom

The 1% and the Rest of Us -- An Interview with Tim Di Muzio
Di Muzio, Tim and Mills, Tom. (2015). New Left Project. 3 July. (Interview; English).

Monaghan, Jeffrey

Fight to Win! Tools for Confronting Capital
Monaghan, Jeffrey and Cochrane, DT. (2012). In The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics. Edited by Shannon, Deric and Nocella II, Anthony J. and Asimakopoulos, John. Oakland, CA. AK Press, pp. 95-116. (Book Chapter; English).

Nitzan, Jonathan

The Road to Gaza
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2024). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2024/0. August. pp. 1-19. (Article - Working Paper; English).

"על חמישים שנות בדידות: ספרו של אודי אדיב "המהפכה שלא הייתה (Fifty Years of Solitude: Udi Adiv's Book "The Revolution that Never Was")
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). August. pp. 1-5. (Review; Hebrew).

A CasP Model of the Stock Market
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/07. November. pp. 1-36. (Article - Working Paper; English).

A CasP Model of the Stock Market
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Real-World Economics Review. No. 77. December. pp. 119-154. (Article - Journal; English).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-5. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture (חברה). No. 6. March. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Can Capitalists Afford a Trumped Recovery?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Research Note. January. pp. 1-6. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Can Capitalists Continue to Squeeze the Income Share of Employees?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Research Note. November. pp. 1-4. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Capital as Power @ Historical Materialism 2018: Panel Series at The Great Transition Conference, Montreal, May 17-20, 2018
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Montreal. April. (Other; English).

Carrying the Elephants
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2022). Research Note. 6 August. pp. 1-5. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Conference Panel Proposals on "Capital as Power"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). July. (Other; English).

Corporate Power and the Future of U.S. Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Real-World Economics Review Blog. January. (Article - Magazine; English).

Corporate Power and the Future of U.S. Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Research Note. December. pp. 1-2. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Differential Accumulation and Middle East Wars: Beyond Neo-Liberalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). In Global Regulation. Managing Crises After the Imperial Turn. Edited by Assassi, Libby and Wigan, Duncan and van der Pijl, Kees. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 43-60. (Book Chapter; English).

Dominant Capital and the Government
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 5 October. (Article - Magazine; English).

Dominant Capital and the Government
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Research Note. October. pp. 1-7. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Dominant Capital and the New Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Journal of World-Systems Research. Vol. 10. No. 2, August. pp. 254-327. (Article - Journal; English).

El capital como poder. Un estudio del orden y el creorden.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2018). Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Jerusalem and Montreal. The Bichler & Nitzan Archives. (Book; Spanish).

El poder de las grandes empresas y el futuro del capitalismo en EEUU
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Revista Amor y Rabia. 3 January. (Article - Magazine; Spanish).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-4. (Article - Monograph; English).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars (Globale Kapitalakkumulation und neue Kriege im Nahen Osten)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Inamo. Informationsprojejekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten. No. 32. December. pp. 32-35. (Article - Magazine; German).

Growing through Sabotage: Energizing Hierarchical Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2017/02. July. pp. 1-59. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Growing through Sabotage: Energizing Hierarchical Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 5. May. pp. 1-78. (Article - Journal; English).

Introduction to "The Scientist and the Church"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 28 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

It's All About Oil
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Eclipse. The Anti War Review. No. 15, April-May. pp. 16-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/03. June. pp. 1-12. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Review of Capital as Power. No. 2. September. pp. 175-189. (Article - Journal; English).

Nine Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). September. (Other; English).

No Way Out
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 22 June. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Capitalization of Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Crime, Law and Social Change. Vol. 61. No. 3, April. pp. 251-271. (Article - Journal; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 21 November. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Dissident Voice. 23 November. pp. 1-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 4 December. pp. 1-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment and the Limits to Power (Transcript and Video)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). September. pp. 1-19. (Conference Paper / Proceedings; English).

Nonlinearities of the Sabotage-Redistribution Process
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Research Note. 19 May. pp. 1-5. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Regime Change and Dominant Capital: Lessons from Israel
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2023/02. August. pp. 1-22. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Seven Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). (Other; English).

The Asymptotes of Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). February. pp. 1-45. (Conference Paper / Proceedings; English).

The Asymptotes of Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Real-World Economics Review. No. 60, June. pp. 18-53. (Article - Journal; English).

The Capital As Power Approach. An Invited-then-Rejected Interview with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/2. June. pp. 1-58. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Capital As Power Approach. An Invited-then-Rejected Interview with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 2. September. pp. 96-174. (Article - Journal; English).

The CasP Project: Past, Present, Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 1-39. (Article - Journal; English).

The CasP Project: Past, Present, Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2015/04. December. pp. 1-29. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The End of Neoliberalism?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). June. pp. 1-3. (Article - Monograph; English).

The Limits of Capitalized Power. A 2020 U.S. Update
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/06. December. pp. 1-16. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Scientist and the Church.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2015). World Economic Association. (Book; English).

To the New Readers Innocent of the Undeconstructed Past: On the Second Edition of "Peace, Peace, and No Peace" (אל הקוראים החדשים אשר לא ידעו את העבר הלא-משופץ)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). March. pp. 1-4. (Review; Hebrew).

Todo Tiene Que Ver Con El Petróleo (It's All About Oil)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Papeles de Cuestiones Internacionales. No. 82. August. pp. 33-41. (Article - Magazine; Spanish).

Un Modelo CcP Del Mercado De Valores (A CasP Model of the Stock Market)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Revista de Economía Institucional. Translated from the English by Alberto Supelano. Vol. 19. No. 36. May. pp. 11-56. (Article - Journal; Spanish).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). News From Within. Vol. XVIII. No. 4, April. pp. 14-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). In Globalisation and the Palestinian Struggle. Edited by Yahni, Sergio. Alternative Information Centre. pp. 27-35. (In Collection; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Chamsesang Kongdongche. January. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

חשבתי שאטוס לדמשק ואעשה שינוי: אודי אדיב והמהפכה שלא היתה (I Thought I Would Fly to Damascus and Bring Change: Udi Adiv and the Revolution that Never Was)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Mekomit. 30 August. (Review; Hebrew).

The 1%, Exploitation and Wealth: Tim Di Muzio interviews Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim. (2012). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 1, September. pp. 1-22. (Article - Journal; English).

The 1%, Exploitation and Wealth: Tim Di Muzio interviews Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 2 October. (Article - Magazine; English).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Piotr Dutkiewicz in Conversation with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Dutkiewicz, Piotr. (2013). In 22 Ideas to Fix the World: Conversations with the World's Foremost Thinkers. Edited by Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Sakwa, Richard. New York University Press and the Social Science Research Council, pp. 326-354. (Book Chapter; English).

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Capital as Power: An Audio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan
Cochrane, DT and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). September. (Interview; English).

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/01. February. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 40-57. (Article - Journal; English).

Capitalism as a Mode of Power: Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan interviewed by Piotr Dutkiewicz
Dutkiewicz, Piotr and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). July. pp. 1-22. (Interview; English).

Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). (Other; English).

Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan. (2015). Carleton University, Ottawa. October. (Other; English).

An 18th-Century Story. Review of Naomi Klein’s "No Logo" (זה כבר מהמאה ה-18. ספרה של נעמי קליין נו לוגו)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Globes Firma. May. pp. 53-54. (Review; Hebrew).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS/POLS 4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2005). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS/POLS 4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS/POLS 4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

CasP Conference on "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista": Program and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). York University, Toronto. 28-30 September. (Other; English).

Conflict, Militarism and Global Markets (YorkU, GS6230 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2001). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Invitation for a seminar on the current crisis followed by a book launch of CAPITAL AND POWER
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). Department of Political Science. York University. October. (Other; English).

Invitation to a seminar -- "No Way Out: Crime, Punishment & the Capitalization of Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Department of Political Science. York University. November. (Other; English).

No Way Out: Crime, Punishment & the Capitalization of Power -- Video and Transcript
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). 12 November. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, AP/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2009-10)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, AP/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2010-11)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, AS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2008-9)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2008). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2011-12)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2011). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2012-13)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2013-14)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2014-15)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2015-16)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2017-18)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2019-20)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2019). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2020-21)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2021-22)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2022-23)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2022). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (GS 6272 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2007-8)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2008-9)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2008). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Seven Lectures on Capital (TAU, Mini Course 1011.4670, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Eitan Berglas School of Economics. Tel Aviv University. October. (Course; English).

The Capitalist Mode of Power: A Research Seminar(YorkU, GS/POLS 6260 6.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2009-10)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

The Capitalist Mode of Power: A Research Seminar(YorkU, GS/POLS 6260 6.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2010-2011)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2009). (Other; English).

Capital as Power. A Study of Order and Creorder.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2009). RIPE Series in Global Political Economy. Routledge. (Book; English).

Clash of Civilizations or Capital Accumulation? Epilogue to the book "From War Profits to Peace Dividends" (מלחמת-תרבויות או הצבר-הון? אחרית לספר מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2004). pp. 1-67. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

It's All About Oil
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). News From Within. Vol. XIX. No. 1, January. pp. 8-11. (Article - Magazine; English).

It's All About Oil
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). Blue. Vol. 2. No. 70, February. (Article - Magazine; English).

It's All About Oil (È per il petrolio)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). Economia di guerra. February. pp. 16-19. (Article - Magazine; Italian).

Le capital comme pouvoir : une étude de l'ordre et du créordre.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2012). Traduit de l’anglais par Vincent Guillin. Paris. Max Milo. (Book; French).

New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2004). December. pp. 1-68. (Article - Monograph; English).

New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2006). Review. Vol. XXIX. No. 1, April. pp. 1-86. (Article - Journal; English).

The Invasion of Iraq and the Oil Business (הפלישה לעירק ועסקי הנפט)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2003). The Other Side (מצד שני). June. pp. 13-15. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

ההון ושברו (Capital and its Crisis).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2022). Haifa. Pardes. (Book; Hebrew).

המהפכה המשטרית" וקבוצות ההון הדומיננטיות" (Regime Change and Dominant Capital)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2023). September. pp. 1-19. (Article - Working Paper; Hebrew).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). (Other; English).

Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). September. (Other; English).

Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power -- Programme and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan and Brennan, Jordan and McMahon, James and Cochrane, DT. (2013). The Forum on Capital as Power, the Department of Political Science and the Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought. York University. (Other; English).

Orr, Akiva

Homage to Nissan Rilov
Orr, Akiva. (2007). pp. 1-2. March. (Other; English).

Letter to Shimshon Bichler on Esther Alexander
Orr, Akiva. (2006). pp. 1-2. 18 March. (Other; English).

Peace, Peace, and No Peace (שלום, שלום, ואין שלום).
Orr, Akiva and Machover, Moshé (1999). Second Edition. Israel. Self Published. (Book; Hebrew).

Ostojić, Mladen

"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Park, Hyeng-Joon

Chaebol: the Transnational Capital that Rules Korea (재벌, 한국을 지배하는 초국적 자본).
Park, Hyeng-Joon (2013). Bookworld. (Book; Korean).

Dominant Capital and the Transformation of Korean Capitalism: From Cold War to Globalization
Park, Hyeng-Joon. (2013). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Political Science. York University. (Thesis; English).

Financialization or Capitalization? Debating Capitalist Power in South Korea in the Context of Neoliberal Globalization
Park, Hyeng-Joon and Doucette, Jamie. (2016). Capital & Class. OnlineFirst. September. pp. 1-22. (Article - Journal; English).

Perera, Sanjay

Let There Be Light: Casting Away the Shadow of the Asymptote
Perera, Sanjay. (2012). Singapore Ideas. 29 December. (Article - Magazine; English).

Petersen, Kim

The Need to Rid the World of Inequality. Review of The 1% and the Rest of Us
Petersen, Kim. (2016). Dissident Voice. 10 August. (Review; English).

Renzi, Alessandra

From Collectives to Connectives: Italian Media Activism and the Repurposing of the Social
Renzi, Alessandra. (2011). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Sociology and Equity Studies in Education. University of Toronto. (Thesis; English).

Robbins, Richard H.

Capitalismo de deuda. Una lectura crítica de la crisis mundial del endeudamiento.
Di Muzio, Tim and Robbins, Richard H. (2020). Prólogo: Viaje al centro del capitalismo de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Corrección: Carlos Bauer. Diseño de portada: Davis Gee. Manchester University Press. (Book; Spanish).

Debt as Power.
Di Muzio, Tim and Robbins, Richard H. (2015). London and New York. Bloomsbury Academic. (Book; English).

Shehu, Ilirjan

Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan. (2015). Carleton University, Ottawa. October. (Other; English).

Singh, Morgan

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Starrs, Sean

"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Suaste Cherizola, Jesús

El Capitalismo Contemporáneo y la Ontología de las Finanzas
Suaste Cherizola, Jesús. (2022). Tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en sociología. Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. (Thesis; Spanish).

Una teoría de la acumulación realmente existente
Suaste Cherizola, Jesús. (2018). Memoria. Revista de Crítica Militante. No. 3/267. October. pp. 80-82. (Review; Spanish).

Undem, Birgit

Vi trenger er en teoretisk revolusjon (What we need is a theoretical revolution - An interview with Jonathan Nitzan in Norwegian)
Undem, Birgit. (2006). Klassekampen. August. pp. 10-11. (Interview; Other).

Wajnsztejn, Jacques

Notes de lecture sur le livre "Le capital comme pouvoir"
Wajnsztejn, Jacques. (2014). Temps critiques. No. 17. July. (Review; French).

Reading Notes on the Book Capital as Power
Wajnsztejn, Jacques. (2016). Temps critiques. Translated by Corentin Debailleul. March. (Review; English).

Wolf, Harald

Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald. (2010). 19 June. (Other; German).

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