Nous avons l’honneur d’annoncer que M. Jonathan Nitzan – professeur d’économie politique à l’université York de Toronto – viendra donner une conférence à l’UQAM intitulée: «L’accumulation du capital: entre fiction et réalité».
La conférence aura lieu le mardi 31 mars à 18h à la chaufferie du Coeur des sciences de l’UQAM, à deux pas du métro Place-des-Arts. L’entrée est gratuite et l’événement sera suivi d’un cocktail festif. Des bouchées seront servies et des consommations seront mises en vente à un prix réduit.
Comme M. Nitzan est anglophone, la conférence sera donnée en anglais.
Voici le descriptif de la conférence:
There are many explanations for the recent global crisis, but most seem to agree that the origins of this crisis are largely financial: the crisis started in and was amplified by the financial sector.
Of course, when economists speak about a financial crisis, they don’t speak of finance in isolation; they speak of finance in relation to the so-called real capital stock. The current crisis, they argue, happened not because of finance as such, but due to a ‘mismatch’ between financial and real capital. According to this view, the world of finance deviated from and distorted the real world of accumulation; and since there is no such thing as a free lunch, the ensuing financial crash and Great Recession were the price we all had to pay for failing to prevent the distortion.
This ‘mismatch thesis’ – the notion of a reality distorted by finance – is broadly accepted. It is the basic premise of liberals, it is endorsed by Marxists, and it guides policy makers.
There is only one problem. The mismatch itself does not – and cannot – exist, and for the simplest of reasons: the very distinction between ‘real’ and ‘financial’ capital is entirely fictitious. . .
QUOI: Conférence « Capital as Power »
QUAND: mardi 31 mars, 18h
OÙ: la chaufferie du Coeur des sciences de l’UQAM