Number of items: 95.
Partisan Politics and the Road to Plutocracy
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 31 January. pp. 1-71.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The American Housing Crisis: A Theft, Not a Shortage
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 23 October. pp. 1-24.
(Article - Magazine; English).
From Commodity to Asset: The Truth Behind Rising House Prices
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 22 August. pp. 1-30.
(Article - Magazine; English).
A Tour of the Jevons Paradox: How Energy Efficiency Backfires
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 108, Supplement. July. pp. 40-64.
(Article - Journal; English).
A Tour of the Jevons Paradox: How Energy Efficiency Backfires
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 18 May. pp. 1-32.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Is Bitcoin More Energy Intensive Than Mainstream Finance?
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 21 March. pp. 1-25.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Stocking Up on Wealth . . . Concentration
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 107. March. pp. 40-56.
(Article - Journal; English).
Правда об инфляции (The Truth About Inflation)
Fix, Blair.
Новый курс. February. pp. 1-26.
(Article - Magazine; Russian).
Massaging the Message: How Oilpatch Newspapers Censor the News
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 22 December. pp. 1-21.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Stocking Up on Wealth … Concentration
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 23 November. pp. 1-21.
(Article - Magazine; English).
When Stocks Go Up Who Benefits?
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 28 October. pp. 1-17.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Great Gatsby Curve Among America’s Über Rich
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 14 October. pp. 1-17.
(Article - Magazine; English).
How the Rich Get Richer
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 24 September. pp. 1-10.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Billionaires are so Predictable
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 3 September. pp. 1-30.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Mapping the Ownership Network of Canada’s Billionaire Families
Fix, Blair and Cochrane, DT.
Economics from the Top Down. 23 June. pp. 1-32.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Masochistic Fun with Plutocratic Murder
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 20 May. pp. 1-17.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Unemployment and the Maturity of Capitalism
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 6 May. pp. 1-11.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Interest Rates and Unemployment: An Underwhelming Relation
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 30 April. pp. 1-14.
(Article - Magazine; English).
How Interest Rates Redistribute Income
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 16 April. pp. 1-31.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Inflation! The Battle Between Creditors and Workers
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 23 March. pp. 1-20.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Key to Managing Inflation? Higher Wages
Fix, Blair.
Economics From the Top Down. 2 March. pp. 1-15.
(Article - Magazine; English).
How to Make the Oil Industry Go Bust
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 103. March. pp. 2-25.
(Article - Journal; English).
Interest Rates and Inflation: Knives Out
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 19 February. pp. 1-29.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Do High Interest Rates Reduce Inflation? A Test of Monetary Faith
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 4 February. pp. 1-18.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Cause of Stagflation
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 26 January. pp. 1-15.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Is Stagflation the Norm?
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 17 January. pp. 1-19.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Inflation: Everywhere and Always Differential
Fix, Blair.
Economics From the Top Down. 15 December. pp. 1-17.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Have We Passed Peak Capitalism?
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 102. December. pp. 55-88.
(Article - Journal; English).
Firming Up Hierarchy
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 19 November. pp. 1-42.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Have We Passed Peak Capitalism?
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 7 July. pp. 1-41.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Pravda o inflácii: prečo sa Milton Friedman mýlil, nie prvý raz
Fix, Blair.
(2022). Translated by Marián Moravčík. May.
(Article - Magazine; Other).
The Voldemort Index
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 30 March.
(Article - Magazine; English).
In Search of Sabotage
McMahon, James and Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 11 March.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Das Ritual der Kapitalisierung (The Ritual of Capitalization)
Fix, Blair.
Politik & Ӧkonomie. Translated by Otmar Tibes. 31 January.
(Article - Magazine; German).
Die Wahrheit über Inflation (The Truth About Inflation)
Fix, Blair.
Politik & Ӧkonomie. Translated by Otmar Tibes. 26 January.
(Article - Magazine; German).
Redistributing Income Through Hierarchy
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 98. December. pp. 58-86.
(Article - Journal; English).
The Truth About Inflation
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 24 November.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Redistributing Income Through Hierarchy
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 4. October. pp. 1-34.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
How Dominant are Big US Corporations?
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 29 September.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Tim Di Muzio on 'Sabotage'
Di Muzio, Tim and Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 27 September.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Economic Development and the Death of the Free Market
Fix, Blair.
Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review. 14 September. pp. 1-46.
(Article - Journal; English).
How the Labor Theory of Value Emerges from Egalitarianism
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 11 September.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Ritual of Capitalization
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 97. September. pp. 78-95.
(Article - Journal; English).
With Great Power Comes Great Fear
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 30 August.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Ritual of Capitalization
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 2 June.
(Article - Magazine; English).
A Brief History of the Buy-to-Build Indicator
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 10 May.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Once More Into the Fire of Academia
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 10 May.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Jesús Suaste Cherizola Wins the 2021 CASP Essay Prize
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 3 May.
(Review; English).
Does Hierarchy Drive Income Inequality? Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Postcoctoral Fellowship Proposal
Fix, Blair.
pp. 1-13. Department of Politics. York University. April.
(Other; English).
Power: Don't Mention It
Fix, Blair.
The Mint Magazine. 28 March.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Rise of Human Capital Theory
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 95. March. pp. 29-41.
(Article - Journal; English).
Living the Good Life in a Non-Growth World. Investigating the Role of Hierarchy
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2021/2. February. pp. 1-55.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
How the History of Class Struggle is Written on the Stock Market
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 5 October.
(Article - Magazine; English).
How the Rich are Different: Hierarchical Power as the Basis of Income Size and Class
Fix, Blair.
Journal of Computational Social Science. Published Online. 15 September. pp. 1-52.
(Article - Journal; English).
Stocks are Up. Wages are Down. What does it Mean?
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 4 September.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Free Capital as Power Ebook
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 26 August.
(Review; English).
Supply and Demand Deconstructed
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 5 August.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Can the World Get Along Without Natural Resources?
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/05. July. pp. 1-22.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Economic Development and the Death of the Free Market
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/01. May. pp. 1-59.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
An Evolutionary Theory of Resource Distribution
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 90. 9 December. pp. 65-97.
(Article - Journal; English).
Personal Income and Hierarchical Power
Fix, Blair.
Journal of Economic Issues. Vol. 53. No. 4. December. pp. 928-945.
(Article - Journal; English).
Call for Papers: Energy, Institutions and Society
Fix, Blair.
Economics from the Top Down. 29 November.
(Other; English).
A Reading List for Economic Heretics
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 28 November.
(Review; English).
Has Wealth Gone Digital?
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 6 October.
(Article - Magazine; English).
How the Rich are Different: Hierarchical Power as the Basis of Income Size and Class (Revised)
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2019/02-V2. October. pp. 1-66.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Real GDP: The Flawed Metric at the Heart of Macroeconomics
Fix, Blair and Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 88. July. pp. 51-59.
(Article - Journal; English).
Ecological Limits and Hierarchical Power
Fix, Blair and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Socialist Economist. 25 April.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Ecological Limits and Hierarchical Power
Fix, Blair and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 8 April.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Ecological Limits and Hierarchical Power
Fix, Blair and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Research Note. 5 April. pp. 1-6.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Energy, Hierarchy and the Origin of Inequality
Fix, Blair.
PLoS ONE. Vol. 14. No. 4. April. pp. 1-32.
(Article - Journal; English).
How the Rich are Different: Hierarchical Power as the Basis of Income and Class
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2019/02. April. pp. 1-79.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Real GDP: The Flawed Metric at the Heart of Macroeconomics
Fix, Blair and Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
Research Note. April. pp. 1-8.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Dematerialization Through Services: Evaluating the Evidence
Fix, Blair.
BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality. OnlineFirst. 12 March.
(Article - Journal; English).
The Aggregation Problem: Implications for Ecological and Biophysical Economics
Fix, Blair.
BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality. Vol. 4. No. 1. January. pp. 1-15.
(Article - Journal; English).
The Trouble with Human Capital Theory
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 86. 10 December. pp. 15-32.
(Article - Journal; English).
Energy, Hierarchy and the Origin of Inequality
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/09. December. pp. 1-47.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Economics from the Top Down: Does Hierarchy Unify Economic Theory?
Fix, Blair.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Graduate Program in Environmental Studies. York University. Toronto. August.
(Thesis; English).
The Trouble with Human Capital Theory
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/07. August. pp. 1-24.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Capitalist Income and Hierarchical Power: A Gradient Hypothesis
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/06. July. pp. 1-32.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Hierarchy and the Power-Law Income Distribution Tail
Fix, Blair.
Journal of Computational Social Science. OnlineFirst. July. pp. 1-21.
(Article - Journal; English).
The Growth of US Top Income Inequality: A Hierarchical Redistribution Hypothesis
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/05. July. pp. 1-56.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The Aggregation Problem: Implications for Ecological Economics
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/03. May. pp. 1-16.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
A Hierarchy Model of Income Distribution
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/02. April. pp. 1-103.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Podcast Interview with Blair Fix on Capitalism, Hierarchy, and Energy
Fix, Blair and de Beer, Pieter and Salisbury, Ryan.
Neighbor Science on Post-Scarcity Anarchism. 29 January.
(Interview; English).
A Power Theory of Personal Income Distribution - Video and Working Paper
Fix, Blair.
Presentation at the Third Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power, Department of Politics, York University, Toronto. 17 October.
(Lecture / Presentation; English).
Third Speaker Series on the Capitalist Mode of Power - Videos and Program
Fix, Blair and Cochrane, DT and McMahon, James.
Department of Politics. York University. October.
(Other; English).
Evidence for a Power Theory of Personal Income Distribution
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2017/03. July. pp. 1-125.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Energy and Institution Size
Fix, Blair.
PLoS ONE. Vol. 12. No. 2. 8 February. pp. 1-22.
(Article - Journal; English).
Energy and Institution Size
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/04. June. pp. 1-56.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Economic Growth as a Power Process -- Video
Fix, Blair.
Presentation at York University. 27 October.
(Lecture / Presentation; English).
The Capitalist Mode of Power: Second Speaker Series
Bichler, Shimshon and Cochrane, DT and Fix, Blair and Hager, Sandy Brian and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science & Graduate Program in SPT. York University. Verney Room, 674 South Ross, Keele Campus of York University. October.
(Other; English).
Putting Power Back Into Growth Theory
Fix, Blair.
Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 1. pp. 1-37.
(Article - Journal; English).
Rethinking Economic Growth Theory From a Biophysical Perspective.
Fix, Blair
New York, Dordrecht and London.
(Book; English).
Putting Power Back Into Growth Theory
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2014/05. 26 December. pp. 1-30.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Human Activity, Energy & Money in the United States: Connecting the Biophysical Economy with its Pecuniary Image
Fix, Blair.
Unpublished Master Dissertation. Faculty of Environmental Studies. York University. Toronto. September.
(Thesis; English).
This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 04:00:42 2025 UTC.