Author: "Levi, Tia"

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Number of items: 3.

Grubman, Max

Power (Re)distribution: How Dominant Capital Regained Control of the Energiewende
Levi, Tia and Israel, Emil and Grubman, Max. (2024). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. OnlineFirst. August. pp. 1-33. (Article - Journal; English).

Israel, Emil

Power (Re)distribution: How Dominant Capital Regained Control of the Energiewende
Levi, Tia and Israel, Emil and Grubman, Max. (2024). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. OnlineFirst. August. pp. 1-33. (Article - Journal; English).

Levi, Tia

Power (Re)distribution: How Dominant Capital Regained Control of the Energiewende
Levi, Tia and Israel, Emil and Grubman, Max. (2024). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. OnlineFirst. August. pp. 1-33. (Article - Journal; English).

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