Personal Questions. Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan (שאלות אישיות עם יהונתן ניצן)
Agmon, Ya'akov and Nitzan, Jonathan.
גלי צה"ל (Galey Tzahal). April.
(Interview; Hebrew).
"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
A Modern Anarchism (Part 1): Anarchist Analysis
Baryon, Daniel.
(2023). March. pp. 1-24.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Power -- Transcript and Video
Baryon, Daniel.
The Anarchist Library. pp. 1-15. December.
(Other; English).
"Studying Economics As an Equation Without Value Variables": A Critical Addendum (תוסף ביקורתי למאמר: לימודי הכלכלה כמשוואה בלא משתנים ערכיים)
Bichler, Shimshon.
July. pp. 1-3.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
Aki and Friends
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
April. pp. 1-19.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Aki and Friends (עקי וחברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
March. pp. 1-16.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
Capital as Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Philosophers for Change. 29 May.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 61, September. pp. 65-84.
(Article - Journal; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
May. pp. 1-23.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Dissident Voice. 6 May.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Video & Transcript)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
5-8 November.
(Lecture / Presentation; English).
Conference Panel Proposals on "Capital as Power"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Le capital comme pouvoir. Vers une nouvelle cosmologie du capitalisme
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Éditions de la Rose Noire. Traduit de l’anglais par Corentin Debailleul et Vincent Guillin. June. pp. 1-44.
(Article - Magazine; French).
Nine Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Political Economy: Past and Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
November. pp. 1-5.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Seven Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
(Other; English).
Clash of Civilizations or Capital Accumulation? Epilogue to the book "From War Profits to Peace Dividends" (מלחמת-תרבויות או הצבר-הון? אחרית לספר מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
pp. 1-67.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
Review. Vol. XXIX. No. 1, April. pp. 1-86.
(Article - Journal; English).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
December. pp. 1-68.
(Article - Monograph; English).
The Scientist and the Church
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
July. pp. 1-48.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald.
19 June.
(Other; German).
Call for Contributions: "The Capitalist Mode of Power:
Critical Engagements with the Power Theory of Value"
Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan.
Carleton University, Ottawa. October.
(Other; English).
"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
From Power Over Creation to the Power of Creation: Cornelius Castoriadis on Democratic Cultural Creation and the Case of Hollywood
Holman, Christopher and McMahon, James.
Topia. No. 33, Spring. pp. 157-181.
(Article - Journal; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Comments on Bichler and Nitzan’s 2012 Paper ‘Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism’
Ikonoclast, Anonymous.
John Quiggin. Commentary on Australian and world events from a socialist and democratic viewpoint. 13 February.
(Review; English).
Unflat Ontology: Essay on the Poverty of Democratic Materialism
Kvachev, Vadim.
Stasis. Vol. 9. No. 1. July. pp. 13-34.
(Article - Journal; English).
Capitalism Without Empire (Radio interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Lilley, Sasha and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Against The Grain, KPFA 94.1 FM. December.
(Interview; English).
Do Economics Studies Harden the Heart?
Livneh, Uzi.
Ha'aretz. July.
(Interview; English).
Studying Economics as an Equation Without Value Variables (לימודי הכלכלה כמשוואה בלא משתנים ערכיים)
Livneh, Uzi.
הארץ (Ha'aretz). July.
(Interview; Hebrew).
The Ontology of Finance: Price, Power, and the Arkhéderivative
Malik, Suhail.
In Collapse Vol. VIII: Casino Real.
Edited by MacKay, Robin.
Falmouth, UK.
Urbanomic, pp. 629-811.
(Book Chapter; English).
Pseudorational Control and the Magma of Reality
Martin, Ulf.
Seminar at the Department of Political Science, York University. 27 September.
(Lecture / Presentation; English).
The Autocatalytic Sprawl of Pseudorational Mastery
Martin, Ulf.
Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 4. May. pp. 1-30.
(Article - Journal; English).
The Autocatalytic Sprawl of Pseudorational Mastery (version 0.12)
Martin, Ulf.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/04. June. pp. 1-20.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald.
19 June.
(Other; German).
Review of Nitzan and Bichler's "Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder"
Mathoor, Vineeth.
Capital & Class. Vol. 35. No. 2, June. pp. 337-340.
(Review; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
From Power Over Creation to the Power of Creation: Cornelius Castoriadis on Democratic Cultural Creation and the Case of Hollywood
Holman, Christopher and McMahon, James.
Topia. No. 33, Spring. pp. 157-181.
(Article - Journal; English).
Personal Questions. Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan (שאלות אישיות עם יהונתן ניצן)
Agmon, Ya'akov and Nitzan, Jonathan.
גלי צה"ל (Galey Tzahal). April.
(Interview; Hebrew).
Aki and Friends
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
April. pp. 1-19.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Aki and Friends (עקי וחברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
March. pp. 1-16.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
Capital as Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Philosophers for Change. 29 May.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 61, September. pp. 65-84.
(Article - Journal; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
May. pp. 1-23.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Dissident Voice. 6 May.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Video & Transcript)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
5-8 November.
(Lecture / Presentation; English).
Conference Panel Proposals on "Capital as Power"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Le capital comme pouvoir. Vers une nouvelle cosmologie du capitalisme
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Éditions de la Rose Noire. Traduit de l’anglais par Corentin Debailleul et Vincent Guillin. June. pp. 1-44.
(Article - Magazine; French).
Nine Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Political Economy: Past and Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
November. pp. 1-5.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Seven Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan.
Carleton University, Ottawa. October.
(Other; English).
Capitalism Without Empire (Radio interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Lilley, Sasha and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Against The Grain, KPFA 94.1 FM. December.
(Interview; English).
CasP Conference on "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista": Program and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan.
York University, Toronto. 28-30 September.
(Other; English).
Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science. York University.
(Course; English).
Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science. York University.
(Course; English).
Invitation for a seminar on the current crisis followed by a book launch of CAPITAL AND POWER
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Department of Political Science. York University. October.
(Other; English).
Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
(Other; English).
Clash of Civilizations or Capital Accumulation? Epilogue to the book "From War Profits to Peace Dividends" (מלחמת-תרבויות או הצבר-הון? אחרית לספר מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
pp. 1-67.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
Review. Vol. XXIX. No. 1, April. pp. 1-86.
(Article - Journal; English).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
December. pp. 1-68.
(Article - Monograph; English).
The Scientist and the Church
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
July. pp. 1-48.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan.
Carleton University, Ottawa. October.
(Other; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Vi trenger er en teoretisk revolusjon (What we need is a theoretical revolution - An interview with Jonathan Nitzan in Norwegian)
Undem, Birgit.
Klassekampen. August. pp. 10-11.
(Interview; Other).
Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald.
19 June.
(Other; German).
This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 04:00:45 2025 UTC.