Subject: "BN Science & Technology"

Group by: No Grouping | Date | Author | Language | Publication Type
Number of items at this level: 253.

Andersen, Tatiana

From Operation Warp Speed to TRIPS. Vaccines as Assets
Andersen, Tatiana. (2022). In Covid-19 and the Global Political Economy. Crises in the 21st Century. Edited by Di Muzio, Tim and Dow, Matt. Abingdon, Oxon and New York, NY. Routledge, pp. 122-135. (Book Chapter; English).

Baines, Joseph

Rentiership and Intellectual Monopoly in Contemporary Capitalism: Conceptual Challenges and Empirical Possibilities
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian. (2023). City Political Economy Research Centre Working Paper Series. No. 2023-04. May. pp. 1-43. (Article - Working Paper; English).

"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Bichler, Shimshon

Aki and Friends
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). April. pp. 1-19. (Article - Monograph; English).

Aki and Friends (עקי וחברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). March. pp. 1-16. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-5. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture (חברה). No. 6. March. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Back to the Stagflation Era (חזרה אל עידן הסטגפלציה)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture. No. 2. July. pp. 17-19. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Capital As Power (권력 자본론).
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2004). Translated with an Introduction by Gibin Hong. Samin Books. (Book; Korean).

Capital as Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 29 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). May. pp. 1-23. (Article - Monograph; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Real-World Economics Review. No. 61, September. pp. 65-84. (Article - Journal; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Dissident Voice. 6 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Video & Transcript)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). 5-8 November. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Conference Panel Proposals on "Capital as Power"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). July. (Other; English).

Differential Accumulation and Middle East Wars: Beyond Neo-Liberalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). In Global Regulation. Managing Crises After the Imperial Turn. Edited by Assassi, Libby and Wigan, Duncan and van der Pijl, Kees. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 43-60. (Book Chapter; English).

Dominant Capital and the New Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Journal of World-Systems Research. Vol. 10. No. 2, August. pp. 254-327. (Article - Journal; English).

El capital como poder. Un estudio del orden y el creorden.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2018). Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Jerusalem and Montreal. The Bichler & Nitzan Archives. (Book; Spanish).

From War Profits to Peace Dividends (מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום).
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2001). Carmel. (Book; Hebrew).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-4. (Article - Monograph; English).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars (Globale Kapitalakkumulation und neue Kriege im Nahen Osten)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Inamo. Informationsprojejekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten. No. 32. December. pp. 32-35. (Article - Magazine; German).

Imperialism and Plagiarism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Swans. 22 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Introduction to "The Scientist and the Church"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 28 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Israel's Global Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). June. pp. 1-13. (Article - Monograph; English).

Israeli Capitalism and Globalization (הקפיטליזם הישראלי והגלובליזציה)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2001). In Back to Marx: A Collection of Articles. Edited by Cohen, Benjamin. Hakibbutz Hameuchad, pp. 209-233. (Book Chapter; Hebrew).

Le capital comme pouvoir. Vers une nouvelle cosmologie du capitalisme
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Éditions de la Rose Noire. Traduit de l’anglais par Corentin Debailleul et Vincent Guillin. June. pp. 1-44. (Article - Magazine; French).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/03. June. pp. 1-12. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Review of Capital as Power. No. 2. September. pp. 175-189. (Article - Journal; English).

Military Spending and Differential Accumulation: A New Approach to the Political Economy of Armament – The Case of Israel
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1996). Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 28. No. 1. pp. 51-95. (Article - Journal; English).

New Economy or Transnational Ownership? The Global Political Economy of Israel
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). May. pp. 1-89. (Article - Monograph; English).

Nine Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). September. (Other; English).

Peace Will Bring the Money (השלום יביא את הכסף)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1999). The Other Side. January. pp. 23-26. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Pharmaceuticals: Beating the Hell Out of the Average
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Research Note. June. pp. 1-5. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Political Economy: Past and Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). November. pp. 1-5. (Article - Monograph; English).

Putting the State In Its Place: US Foreign Policy and Differential Accumulation in Middle-East “Energy Conflicts”
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1996). Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 3. No. 4. pp. 608-661. (Article - Journal; English).

Seven Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). (Other; English).

The End of Neoliberalism?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). June. pp. 1-3. (Article - Monograph; English).

The Scientist and the Church.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2015). World Economic Association. (Book; English).

The Threat of Demographics and the Promise of Peace
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1998). News From Within. Vol. IX. No. 8. September. pp. 25-27. (Article - Magazine; English).

Transnational Ownership and the Palestinian Uprising
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2000). News From Within. Vol. XVI. No. 8. November. pp. 18-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). News From Within. Vol. XVIII. No. 4, April. pp. 14-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). In Globalisation and the Palestinian Struggle. Edited by Yahni, Sergio. Alternative Information Centre. pp. 27-35. (In Collection; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Chamsesang Kongdongche. January. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

The Political Economy of Armament and Oil – A Series of Four Articles
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition: Demise or New Order?
Bichler, Shimshon and Rowley, Robin and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 11. pp. 1-63. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Bringing Capital Accumulation Back In: The Weapondollar-Petrodollar Coalition – Military Contractors, Oil Companies and Middle-East "Energy Conflicts"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1995). Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 2. No. 3, Summer. pp. 446-515. (Article - Journal; English).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2009). (Other; English).

Capital Accumulation: Breaking the Dualism of "Economics" and "Politics"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2000). In Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories. Edited by Palan, Ronen. Routledge, pp. 67-88. (Book Chapter; English).

Capital as Power. A Study of Order and Creorder.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2009). RIPE Series in Global Political Economy. Routledge. (Book; English).

Going Global: Differential Accumulation and the Great U-turn in South Africa and Israel
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2001). Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 33. No. 1. pp. 21-55. (Article - Journal; English).

Le capital comme pouvoir : une étude de l'ordre et du créordre.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2012). Traduit de l’anglais par Vincent Guillin. Paris. Max Milo. (Book; French).

The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2002). Pluto Press. (Book; English).

The Impermanent War Economy? Peace Dividends and Capital Accumulation in Israel
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1999). In The Political Economy of Middle East Peace. The Impact of Competing Trade Agendas. Edited by Wright, J. J. W.. Routledge, pp. 73-108. (Book Chapter; English).

The Link Theory (תאוריית הקשר)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2002). Yediot Ahronot - Mammon. August. (Article - Newspaper; Hebrew).

The Overshadow of Demography, the Prospect of Peace (צילה המאיים של הדמוגרפיה וההבטחה הטמונה בשלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1997). August. pp. 1-6. (Article - Monograph; English).

The Weapondollar-Petrodollar Coalition
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2002). In The Global Political Economy of Israel. Pluto Press, pp. 198-273. (Book Chapter; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends (רווחי מלחמה, דיבידנדים של שלום).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2007). Second Expanded and Revised Edition. Pardes. (Book; Hebrew).

ההון ושברו (Capital and its Crisis).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2022). Haifa. Pardes. (Book; Hebrew).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). (Other; English).

Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). September. (Other; English).

Changing Fortunes: Armaments and the U.S. Economy
Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin and Bichler, Shimshon. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 8. pp. 1-27. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition and the Middle East
Rowley, Robin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 10. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Brennan, Jordan

"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Cochrane, DT

"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Disobedient Things. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Accounting for Disaster
Cochrane, DT. (2016). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2016/05. August. pp. 1-36. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Disobedient Things: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Accounting for Disaster
Cochrane, DT. (2020). Valuations Studies. Vol. 7. No. 1. March. pp. 3-32. (Article - Journal; English).

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Constance, Douglas H.

Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities
Hendrickson, Mary K. and Howard, Philip H. and Constance, Douglas H.. (2017). Division of Applied Social Sciences Working Paper. University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 1 November. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

D'Alessio, Nestor

Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald. (2010). 19 June. (Other; German).

Di Muzio, Tim

Call for Contributions: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Critical Engagements with the Power Theory of Value"
Di Muzio, Tim. (2011). January. (Other; English).

Re-Considering the Origins of the Climate Emergency: War, Finance, and the State
Di Muzio, Tim and Dow, Matt. (2023). London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 23. No. 22. pp. 1-19. (Article - Journal; English).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). (Other; English).

Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). September. (Other; English).

Dow, Matt

Re-Considering the Origins of the Climate Emergency: War, Finance, and the State
Di Muzio, Tim and Dow, Matt. (2023). London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 23. No. 22. pp. 1-19. (Article - Journal; English).

Endresen, Markus

The Notions of the Valuable: How Symbolic and Economic Value Discuss the Fragile Nature of Ecology in Frank Herbert’s Dune
Endresen, Markus. (2024). Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis in Language Studies with Teacher Education, Faculty of Humanities, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. (Thesis; English).

Faux, Stirling

Stagflation and the Coming War in Iraq (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Faux, Stirling and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). QR77. 7 January. (Interview; English).

The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Faux, Stirling and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). QR77. October. (Interview; English).

Fix, Blair

A Tour of the Jevons Paradox: How Energy Efficiency Backfires
Fix, Blair. (2024). Economics from the Top Down. 18 May. pp. 1-32. (Article - Magazine; English).

A Tour of the Jevons Paradox: How Energy Efficiency Backfires
Fix, Blair. (2024). Real-World Economics Review. No. 108, Supplement. July. pp. 40-64. (Article - Journal; English).

How to Make the Oil Industry Go Bust
Fix, Blair. (2023). Real-World Economics Review. No. 103. March. pp. 2-25. (Article - Journal; English).

Is Bitcoin More Energy Intensive Than Mainstream Finance?
Fix, Blair. (2024). Economics from the Top Down. 21 March. pp. 1-25. (Article - Magazine; English).

Gee, John

New Perspective. Review of Nitzan and Bichler's "The Global Political Economy of Israel"
Gee, John. (2003). Middle East International. November. pp. 34-35. (Review; English).

Germain, Randall

Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). (Other; English).

Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan. (2015). Carleton University, Ottawa. October. (Other; English).

Grubman, Max

Power (Re)distribution: How Dominant Capital Regained Control of the Energiewende
Levi, Tia and Israel, Emil and Grubman, Max. (2024). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. OnlineFirst. August. pp. 1-33. (Article - Journal; English).

Hager, Sandy Brian

Rentiership and Intellectual Monopoly in Contemporary Capitalism: Conceptual Challenges and Empirical Possibilities
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian. (2023). City Political Economy Research Centre Working Paper Series. No. 2023-04. May. pp. 1-43. (Article - Working Paper; English).

"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Tracking the Fortunes of Corporate Psychedelia
Hager, Sandy Brian. (2024). City Political Economy Research Centre Working Paper Series (CITYPERC). No. 02. September. pp. 1-22. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Varieties of Top Incomes
Hager, Sandy Brian. (2020). Socio-Economic Review. Vol. 18. No. 4. pp. 1175-1198. (Article - Journal; English).

Hendrickson, Mary K.

Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities
Hendrickson, Mary K. and Howard, Philip H. and Constance, Douglas H.. (2017). Division of Applied Social Sciences Working Paper. University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 1 November. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Henwood, Doug

The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Henwood, Doug and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). WBAI. December. (Interview; English).

Holmes, Brian

Holmes, Brian. (2006). July. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Hong, Gibin

Global Accumulation and the Future of the Global Political Economy: A Series of Articles (세계적 축적과 지구 정치 경제의 항뱡)
Hong, Gibin. (2003). PRESSian. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

Howard, Philip H.

Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities
Hendrickson, Mary K. and Howard, Philip H. and Constance, Douglas H.. (2017). Division of Applied Social Sciences Working Paper. University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 1 November. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Hynes, David

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Israel, Emil

Power (Re)distribution: How Dominant Capital Regained Control of the Energiewende
Levi, Tia and Israel, Emil and Grubman, Max. (2024). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. OnlineFirst. August. pp. 1-33. (Article - Journal; English).

Jeffery, Cassandra

Big Money, Nuclear Subsidies, and Systemic Corruption
Jeffery, Cassandra and Ramana, M. V.. (2021). Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 12 February. (Article - Magazine; English).

Kivisto, Hanna

Capital as Power and the Corporatization of Education
Kivisto, Hanna. (2016). Critical Studies in Education. January. pp. 1-17. (Article - Journal; English).

Levi, Tia

Power (Re)distribution: How Dominant Capital Regained Control of the Energiewende
Levi, Tia and Israel, Emil and Grubman, Max. (2024). Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. OnlineFirst. August. pp. 1-33. (Article - Journal; English).

Marshall, Adam Patrick

Environmental Conflict, Capital as Power . . . and a Nice Trip to London
Marshall, Adam Patrick. (2023). Postgraduate Research at Manchester Met Research Blog. 25 May. pp. 1-3. (Article - Magazine; English).

Martin, Ulf

Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald. (2010). 19 June. (Other; German).

McMahon, James

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Mouré, Christopher

'Soft-wars': The Differential Trajectories of Google and Microsoft -- A Capital as Power Analysis
Mouré, Christopher. (2021). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2021/01. February. pp. 1-13. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Costly Efficiencies: Health Care Spending, COVID-19, and the Public/Private Health Care Debate
Mouré, Christopher. (2022). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 2. May. pp. 17-45. (Article - Journal; English).

Costly Efficiencies: Health Care Spending, Covid-19, and the Public/Private Health Care Debate
Mouré, Christopher. (2021). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2021/05. December. pp. 1-23. (Article - Working Paper; English).

No Shortage of Profit: Semiconductor Firms and the Differential Effects of Chip Shortages
Mouré, Christopher. (2022). The Mint. 27 September. pp. 1-6. (Article - Magazine; English).

No Shortage of Profit: Technological Change, Chip 'Shortages', and Capital Accumulation in the Semiconductor Business
Mouré, Christopher. (2022). Unpublished Master Research Paper. Department of Politics. York University. Toronto. August (Thesis; English).

Soft-wars: A Capital-as-Power Analysis of Google's Power Trajectory
Mouré, Christopher. (2021). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 1. October. pp. 71-90. (Article - Journal; English).

Technological Change and Strategic Sabotage: A Capital as Power Analysis of the US Semiconductor Business
Mouré, Christopher. (2023). Real-World Economics Review. No. 103. March. pp. 26-55. (Article - Journal; English).

Teknojätit ja pääoman vallankäyttö (Techno giants and the use of power by capital)
Mouré, Christopher. (2023). Translation of 'Soft-wars' by Teppo Saari (Finnish). 1 November. pp. 1-18. (Article - Magazine; Other).

Nitzan, Jonathan

Aki and Friends
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). April. pp. 1-19. (Article - Monograph; English).

Aki and Friends (עקי וחברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). March. pp. 1-16. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-5. (Article - Monograph; Hebrew).

Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture (חברה). No. 6. March. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Back to the Stagflation Era (חזרה אל עידן הסטגפלציה)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture. No. 2. July. pp. 17-19. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Capital As Power (권력 자본론).
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2004). Translated with an Introduction by Gibin Hong. Samin Books. (Book; Korean).

Capital as Power
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Philosophers for Change. 29 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). May. pp. 1-23. (Article - Monograph; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Real-World Economics Review. No. 61, September. pp. 65-84. (Article - Journal; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Reprint)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Dissident Voice. 6 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Capital as Power: Toward a New Cosmology of Capitalism (Video & Transcript)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). 5-8 November. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

Conference Panel Proposals on "Capital as Power"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). July. (Other; English).

Differential Accumulation and Middle East Wars: Beyond Neo-Liberalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). In Global Regulation. Managing Crises After the Imperial Turn. Edited by Assassi, Libby and Wigan, Duncan and van der Pijl, Kees. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 43-60. (Book Chapter; English).

Dominant Capital and the New Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Journal of World-Systems Research. Vol. 10. No. 2, August. pp. 254-327. (Article - Journal; English).

El capital como poder. Un estudio del orden y el creorden.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2018). Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola. Jerusalem and Montreal. The Bichler & Nitzan Archives. (Book; Spanish).

From War Profits to Peace Dividends (מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום).
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2001). Carmel. (Book; Hebrew).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). July. pp. 1-4. (Article - Monograph; English).

Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars (Globale Kapitalakkumulation und neue Kriege im Nahen Osten)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Inamo. Informationsprojejekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten. No. 32. December. pp. 32-35. (Article - Magazine; German).

Imperialism and Plagiarism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Swans. 22 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Introduction to "The Scientist and the Church"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Real-World Economics Review Blog. 28 May. (Article - Magazine; English).

Israel's Global Capitalism
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). June. pp. 1-13. (Article - Monograph; English).

Israeli Capitalism and Globalization (הקפיטליזם הישראלי והגלובליזציה)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2001). In Back to Marx: A Collection of Articles. Edited by Cohen, Benjamin. Hakibbutz Hameuchad, pp. 209-233. (Book Chapter; Hebrew).

Le capital comme pouvoir. Vers une nouvelle cosmologie du capitalisme
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Éditions de la Rose Noire. Traduit de l’anglais par Corentin Debailleul et Vincent Guillin. June. pp. 1-44. (Article - Magazine; French).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2020/03. June. pp. 1-12. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Manuscripts Don't Burn
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). Review of Capital as Power. No. 2. September. pp. 175-189. (Article - Journal; English).

Military Spending and Differential Accumulation: A New Approach to the Political Economy of Armament – The Case of Israel
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1996). Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 28. No. 1. pp. 51-95. (Article - Journal; English).

New Economy or Transnational Ownership? The Global Political Economy of Israel
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). May. pp. 1-89. (Article - Monograph; English).

Nine Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). September. (Other; English).

Peace Will Bring the Money (השלום יביא את הכסף)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1999). The Other Side. January. pp. 23-26. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

Pharmaceuticals: Beating the Hell Out of the Average
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Research Note. June. pp. 1-5. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Political Economy: Past and Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). November. pp. 1-5. (Article - Monograph; English).

Putting the State In Its Place: US Foreign Policy and Differential Accumulation in Middle-East “Energy Conflicts”
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1996). Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 3. No. 4. pp. 608-661. (Article - Journal; English).

Seven Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). (Other; English).

The End of Neoliberalism?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). June. pp. 1-3. (Article - Monograph; English).

The Scientist and the Church.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2015). World Economic Association. (Book; English).

The Threat of Demographics and the Promise of Peace
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1998). News From Within. Vol. IX. No. 8. September. pp. 25-27. (Article - Magazine; English).

Transnational Ownership and the Palestinian Uprising
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2000). News From Within. Vol. XVI. No. 8. November. pp. 18-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). News From Within. Vol. XVIII. No. 4, April. pp. 14-19. (Article - Magazine; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). In Globalisation and the Palestinian Struggle. Edited by Yahni, Sergio. Alternative Information Centre. pp. 27-35. (In Collection; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Chamsesang Kongdongche. January. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

The Political Economy of Armament and Oil – A Series of Four Articles
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition: Demise or New Order?
Bichler, Shimshon and Rowley, Robin and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 11. pp. 1-63. (Article - Working Paper; English).

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Stagflation and the Coming War in Iraq (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Faux, Stirling and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). QR77. 7 January. (Interview; English).

The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Faux, Stirling and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). QR77. October. (Interview; English).

Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). (Other; English).

Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan. (2015). Carleton University, Ottawa. October. (Other; English).

The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Henwood, Doug and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). WBAI. December. (Interview; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS/POLS 4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2005). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS/POLS 4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS/POLS 4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy (YorkU, AS4291 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2002). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

CasP Conference on "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista": Program and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). York University, Toronto. 28-30 September. (Other; English).

Conflict, Militarism and Global Markets (YorkU, GS6230 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2001). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Differential Accumulation: Toward a New Political Economy of Capital
Nitzan, Jonathan. (1998). Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 5. No. 2, Summer. pp. 169-217. (Article - Journal; English).

From Olson to Veblen: The Stagflationary Rise of Distributional Coalitions
Nitzan, Jonathan. (1992). 2 June. pp. 1-75. (Conference Paper / Proceedings; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (GS 6285 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2007-8)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2008-9)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2008). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2011-12)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2011). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2012-13)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2013-14)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2014-15)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2015-16)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2019-20)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2019). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2020-21)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2021-22)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2022-23)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2022). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Winter Term, 2017-18)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy I: Theory and Approaches (YorkU, AS/POLS 3270 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2005). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy I: Theory and Approaches (YorkU, AS/POLS 3270 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy I: Theory and Approaches (YorkU, AS/POLS 3270 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Inflation As Restructuring. A Theoretical and Empirical Account of the U.S. Experience
Nitzan, Jonathan. (1992). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Economics. McGill University. (Thesis; English).

Invitation for a seminar on the current crisis followed by a book launch of CAPITAL AND POWER
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). Department of Political Science. York University. October. (Other; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, AP/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2009-10)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, AP/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2010-11)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, AS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2008-9)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2008). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2011-12)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2011). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2012-13)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2012). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2013-14)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2013). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2014-15)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2014). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2015-16)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2015). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2017-18)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2017). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2019-20)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2019). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2020-21)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2020). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2021-22)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2021). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy of Capital Accumulation (YorkU, LAPS/POLS 4292 6.0, Undergraduate, Fall Term, 2022-23)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2022). Department of Politics. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (GS 6272 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2006). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2007-8)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2007). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Political Economy: Major Themes (YorkU, GS/POLS 6272 3.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2008-9)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2008). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Seven Lectures on Capital (TAU, Mini Course 1011.4670, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Eitan Berglas School of Economics. Tel Aviv University. October. (Course; English).

The Capitalist Mode of Power: A Research Seminar(YorkU, GS/POLS 6260 6.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2009-10)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2009). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

The Capitalist Mode of Power: A Research Seminar(YorkU, GS/POLS 6260 6.0, Graduate, Fall Term, 2010-2011)
Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Political Science. York University. (Course; English).

Bringing Capital Accumulation Back In: The Weapondollar-Petrodollar Coalition – Military Contractors, Oil Companies and Middle-East "Energy Conflicts"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1995). Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 2. No. 3, Summer. pp. 446-515. (Article - Journal; English).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2009). (Other; English).

Capital Accumulation: Breaking the Dualism of "Economics" and "Politics"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2000). In Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories. Edited by Palan, Ronen. Routledge, pp. 67-88. (Book Chapter; English).

Capital as Power. A Study of Order and Creorder.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2009). RIPE Series in Global Political Economy. Routledge. (Book; English).

Going Global: Differential Accumulation and the Great U-turn in South Africa and Israel
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2001). Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 33. No. 1. pp. 21-55. (Article - Journal; English).

Le capital comme pouvoir : une étude de l'ordre et du créordre.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2012). Traduit de l’anglais par Vincent Guillin. Paris. Max Milo. (Book; French).

The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2002). Pluto Press. (Book; English).

The Impermanent War Economy? Peace Dividends and Capital Accumulation in Israel
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1999). In The Political Economy of Middle East Peace. The Impact of Competing Trade Agendas. Edited by Wright, J. J. W.. Routledge, pp. 73-108. (Book Chapter; English).

The Link Theory (תאוריית הקשר)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2002). Yediot Ahronot - Mammon. August. (Article - Newspaper; Hebrew).

The Overshadow of Demography, the Prospect of Peace (צילה המאיים של הדמוגרפיה וההבטחה הטמונה בשלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1997). August. pp. 1-6. (Article - Monograph; English).

The Weapondollar-Petrodollar Coalition
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2002). In The Global Political Economy of Israel. Pluto Press, pp. 198-273. (Book Chapter; English).

War Profits, Peace Dividends (רווחי מלחמה, דיבידנדים של שלום).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2007). Second Expanded and Revised Edition. Pardes. (Book; Hebrew).

ההון ושברו (Capital and its Crisis).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2022). Haifa. Pardes. (Book; Hebrew).

Call for papers on the subject of "Capital as Power"
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). (Other; English).

Six Integrated Panels on "Capital as Power": Timetable and Program
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon and Di Muzio, Tim. (2013). September. (Other; English).

Changing Fortunes: Armaments and the U.S. Economy
Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin and Bichler, Shimshon. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 8. pp. 1-27. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition and the Middle East
Rowley, Robin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 10. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Oil, Weapons and Capitalism (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Soong, C. S. and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Livingroom, KPFA 94.1 FM. March. (Interview; English).

Ostojić, Mladen

"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen. (2011). (Other; English).

Popcevski, Natasha

The Billionaire Boom: Capital as Power and the Distribution of Wealth
Popcevski, Natasha. (2022). In Covid-19 and the Global Political Economy. Crises in the 21st Century. Edited by Di Muzio, Tim and Dow, Matt. Abingdon, Oxon and New York, NY. Routledge, pp. 40-52. (Book Chapter; English).

Ramana, M. V.

Big Money, Nuclear Subsidies, and Systemic Corruption
Jeffery, Cassandra and Ramana, M. V.. (2021). Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 12 February. (Article - Magazine; English).

Rowley, Robin

The Political Economy of Armament and Oil – A Series of Four Articles
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition: Demise or New Order?
Bichler, Shimshon and Rowley, Robin and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 11. pp. 1-63. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Changing Fortunes: Armaments and the U.S. Economy
Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin and Bichler, Shimshon. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 8. pp. 1-27. (Article - Working Paper; English).

The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition and the Middle East
Rowley, Robin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1989). Working Papers. Department of Economics. McGill University. Vol. 89. No. 10. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; English).

Roy, Victor

Capitalizing a Cure. How Finance Controls the Price and Value of Medicines.
Roy, Victor (2023). Oakland, California. University of California Press. (Book; English).

Sharp, Deen Shariff

Corporate Urbanization: Between the Future and Survival in Lebanon
Sharp, Deen Shariff. (2018). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Graduate Faculty in Earth and Environmental Sciences. City University of New York. (Thesis; English).

Shehu, Ilirjan

Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan. (2015). Carleton University, Ottawa. October. (Other; English).

Singh, Morgan

"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2012). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan. (2011). (Other; English).

Soong, C. S.

Oil, Weapons and Capitalism (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Soong, C. S. and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2003). Livingroom, KPFA 94.1 FM. March. (Interview; English).

Starrs, Sean

"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean. (2010). (Other; English).

Undem, Birgit

Vi trenger er en teoretisk revolusjon (What we need is a theoretical revolution - An interview with Jonathan Nitzan in Norwegian)
Undem, Birgit. (2006). Klassekampen. August. pp. 10-11. (Interview; Other).

Wolf, Harald

Kapital als Macht und imaginäre Institution: Eine Einführung in die Kapitalmachttheorie von Jonathan Nitzan und Shimshon Bichler
Martin, Ulf and D'Alessio, Nestor and Wolf, Harald. (2010). 19 June. (Other; German).

This list was generated on Wed Oct 16 04:01:34 2024 UTC.