"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
The Road to Gaza
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2024/0. August. pp. 1-19.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The Iron Heel: A Life Story (עקב הברזל: סיפור חיים)
Bichler, Shimshon.
In The Iron Heel.
Carmel, pp. 259-277.
(Book Chapter; Hebrew).
Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
July. pp. 1-5.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture (חברה). No. 6. March.
(Article - Magazine; Hebrew).
Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
July. pp. 1-4.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars (Globale Kapitalakkumulation und neue Kriege im Nahen Osten)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Inamo. Informationsprojejekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten. No. 32. December. pp. 32-35.
(Article - Magazine; German).
Peace Will Bring the Money (השלום יביא את הכסף)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
The Other Side. January. pp. 23-26.
(Article - Magazine; Hebrew).
The Threat of Demographics and the Promise of Peace
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
News From Within. Vol. IX. No. 8. September. pp. 25-27.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Transnational Ownership and the Palestinian Uprising
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
News From Within. Vol. XVI. No. 8. November. pp. 18-19.
(Article - Magazine; English).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
In Globalisation and the Palestinian Struggle. Edited by Yahni, Sergio. Alternative Information Centre. pp. 27-35.
(In Collection; English).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
News From Within. Vol. XVIII. No. 4, April. pp. 14-19.
(Article - Magazine; English).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Chamsesang Kongdongche. January.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
We Said It All Along. Reply to Baruch Kimmerling's Review of "The Global Political Economy of Israel"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Journal of Palestine Studies. Vol. 34. No. 1. pp. 208-211.
(Review; English).
Fascism in Israel. The Funding of Fascist and Neo-Nazi Movements: 1970-1990
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin.
Grant Application to The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. pp. 1-16.
(Other; English).
הדרך לעזה: על משטרי הכוח וכנסיות האל העליון היחיד (The Road to Gaza: On Modes of Power and Supreme-God Churches).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon
Montreal and Jerusalem.
The Bichler & Nitzan Archives, pp. 1-193.
(Book; Hebrew).
Clash of Civilizations or Capital Accumulation? Epilogue to the book "From War Profits to Peace Dividends" (מלחמת-תרבויות או הצבר-הון? אחרית לספר מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
pp. 1-67.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
Review. Vol. XXIX. No. 1, April. pp. 1-86.
(Article - Journal; English).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
December. pp. 1-68.
(Article - Monograph; English).
The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon
Pluto Press.
(Book; English).
The Overshadow of Demography, the Prospect of Peace (צילה המאיים של הדמוגרפיה וההבטחה הטמונה בשלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
August. pp. 1-6.
(Article - Monograph; English).
"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Contributions: "The Capitalist Mode of Power:
Critical Engagements with the Power Theory of Value"
Di Muzio, Tim.
(Other; English).
The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Faux, Stirling and Nitzan, Jonathan.
QR77. October.
(Interview; English).
Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan.
Carleton University, Ottawa. October.
(Other; English).
"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Henwood, Doug and Nitzan, Jonathan.
WBAI. December.
(Interview; English).
Global Accumulation and the Future of the Global Political Economy: A Series of Articles (세계적 축적과 지구 정치 경제의 항뱡)
Hong, Gibin.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Revisionist Economics. Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "The Global Political Economy of Israel"
Kimmerling, Baruch.
Journal of Palestine Studies. Vol. 33. No. 2. pp. 119-122.
(Review; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
The Road to Gaza
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2024/0. August. pp. 1-19.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
July. pp. 1-5.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
Back to Conflict and Crisis (חזרה לעידן הקונפליקטים והמשברים)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Society. A Socialist Journal for Society, Economy, Politics and Culture (חברה). No. 6. March.
(Article - Magazine; Hebrew).
Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
July. pp. 1-4.
(Article - Monograph; English).
Global Accumulation and the New Middle East Wars (Globale Kapitalakkumulation und neue Kriege im Nahen Osten)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Inamo. Informationsprojejekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten. No. 32. December. pp. 32-35.
(Article - Magazine; German).
Peace Will Bring the Money (השלום יביא את הכסף)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
The Other Side. January. pp. 23-26.
(Article - Magazine; Hebrew).
The Threat of Demographics and the Promise of Peace
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
News From Within. Vol. IX. No. 8. September. pp. 25-27.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Transnational Ownership and the Palestinian Uprising
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
News From Within. Vol. XVI. No. 8. November. pp. 18-19.
(Article - Magazine; English).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
In Globalisation and the Palestinian Struggle. Edited by Yahni, Sergio. Alternative Information Centre. pp. 27-35.
(In Collection; English).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
News From Within. Vol. XVIII. No. 4, April. pp. 14-19.
(Article - Magazine; English).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Chamsesang Kongdongche. January.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
We Said It All Along. Reply to Baruch Kimmerling's Review of "The Global Political Economy of Israel"
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Journal of Palestine Studies. Vol. 34. No. 1. pp. 208-211.
(Review; English).
Fascism in Israel. The Funding of Fascist and Neo-Nazi Movements: 1970-1990
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin.
Grant Application to The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. pp. 1-16.
(Other; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Faux, Stirling and Nitzan, Jonathan.
QR77. October.
(Interview; English).
Call for Papers: "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista"
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan.
(Other; English).
Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan.
Carleton University, Ottawa. October.
(Other; English).
The Global Political Economy of Israel (Radio Interview with Jonathan Nitzan)
Henwood, Doug and Nitzan, Jonathan.
WBAI. December.
(Interview; English).
הדרך לעזה: על משטרי הכוח וכנסיות האל העליון היחיד (The Road to Gaza: On Modes of Power and Supreme-God Churches).
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon
Montreal and Jerusalem.
The Bichler & Nitzan Archives, pp. 1-193.
(Book; Hebrew).
CasP Conference on "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista": Program and Videos
Nitzan, Jonathan.
York University, Toronto. 28-30 September.
(Other; English).
Conflict, Militarism and Global Markets (YorkU, GS6230 3.0, Graduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science. York University.
(Course; English).
Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science. York University.
(Course; English).
Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945 (YorkU, AS/POLS 3275 3.0, Undergraduate)
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science. York University.
(Course; English).
The Political Economy of Peace
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Emerging Markets Analyst. Vol. 3. No. 9. January. pp. 9-10.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Clash of Civilizations or Capital Accumulation? Epilogue to the book "From War Profits to Peace Dividends" (מלחמת-תרבויות או הצבר-הון? אחרית לספר מרווחי מלחמה לדיבידנדים של שלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
pp. 1-67.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
Review. Vol. XXIX. No. 1, April. pp. 1-86.
(Article - Journal; English).
New Imperialism or New Capitalism?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
December. pp. 1-68.
(Article - Monograph; English).
The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon
Pluto Press.
(Book; English).
The Overshadow of Demography, the Prospect of Peace (צילה המאיים של הדמוגרפיה וההבטחה הטמונה בשלום)
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon.
August. pp. 1-6.
(Article - Monograph; English).
"The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future": Conference Programme and Videos
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future"
Baines, Joseph and Hager, Sandy Brian and Ostojić, Mladen.
(Other; English).
Fascism in Israel. The Funding of Fascist and Neo-Nazi Movements: 1970-1990
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan and Rowley, Robin.
Grant Application to The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. pp. 1-16.
(Other; English).
Post-Zionist Perspectives on Contemporary Israel
Selby, Jan.
New Political Economy. Vol. 10. No. 1, March. pp. 107-120.
(Review; English).
Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista -- Tentative Programme (Conference Postponed to 2016)
Germain, Randall and Nitzan, Jonathan and Shehu, Ilirjan.
Carleton University, Ottawa. October.
(Other; English).
"Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation": Conference Programme and Videos
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Capitalizing Power: The Qualities and Quantities of Accumulation"
Cochrane, DT and Hynes, David and McMahon, James and Nitzan, Jonathan and Singh, Morgan.
(Other; English).
"Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory": Conference Program and Videos
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
Call for Papers: "Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory"
Brennan, Jordan and Cochrane, DT and Starrs, Sean.
(Other; English).
על כלכלה וחברה בימים של אימפריה (On Economics and Society in Days of Empire)
Swirski, Shlomo.
עיונים בתקומת ישראל. Vol. 16. pp. 549-592.
(Review; Hebrew).
This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 04:00:59 2025 UTC.