Year: 1999

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Number of items: 6.

Bichler, Shimshon

Peace Will Bring the Money (השלום יביא את הכסף)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1999). The Other Side. January. pp. 23-26. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

The Impermanent War Economy? Peace Dividends and Capital Accumulation in Israel
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1999). In The Political Economy of Middle East Peace. The Impact of Competing Trade Agendas. Edited by Wright, J. J. W.. Routledge, pp. 73-108. (Book Chapter; English).

Machover, Moshé

Peace, Peace, and No Peace (שלום, שלום, ואין שלום).
Orr, Akiva and Machover, Moshé (1999). Second Edition. Israel. Self Published. (Book; Hebrew).

Nitzan, Jonathan

Peace Will Bring the Money (השלום יביא את הכסף)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (1999). The Other Side. January. pp. 23-26. (Article - Magazine; Hebrew).

The Impermanent War Economy? Peace Dividends and Capital Accumulation in Israel
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (1999). In The Political Economy of Middle East Peace. The Impact of Competing Trade Agendas. Edited by Wright, J. J. W.. Routledge, pp. 73-108. (Book Chapter; English).

Orr, Akiva

Peace, Peace, and No Peace (שלום, שלום, ואין שלום).
Orr, Akiva and Machover, Moshé (1999). Second Edition. Israel. Self Published. (Book; Hebrew).

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