Number of items: 43.
2018 Capital as Power Essay Prize
Di Muzio, Tim.
Review of Capital as Power. November.
(Other; English).
A Hierarchy Model of Income Distribution
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/02. April. pp. 1-103.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
An Open Source Update of the Buy-to-Build Indicator
Francis, Joseph.
Joe Francis: History, Numbers and Some Theory. 4 September.
(Other; English).
Análisis de conflictos y Relaciones Internacionales, una elaboración teórica de Sociología del Poder. Causas de la Guerra del Líbano de 2006
Farrés Fernández, Guillem.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Ciencias Humanas: Geografía, Antropología y Estudios de África y Asia Asia. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
(Thesis; Spanish).
Arms and Oil in the Middle East: A Biography of Research
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Rethinking Marxism. Vol. 30. No. 3. November. pp. 418-440.
(Article - Journal; English).
Call for Papers for a Special Issue: 'Accumulation and Politics: Approaches and Concepts'
Ansaloni, Matthieu and Montalban, Matthieu and Roger, Antoine and Smith, Andy.
The Regulation Review: Capitalism, Institutions, Power. December.
(Other; English).
Can Capitalists Afford Recovery? A 2018 Update
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 26 October. pp. 1-2.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Can Capitalists Afford Recovery? A 2018 Update
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Research Note. October. pp. 1-2.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Can Capitalists Afford Recovery? A 2018 Update and a Closer Look
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Research Note. November. pp. 1-4.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Can Capitalists Afford Recovery? A Closer Look
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 2 November.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Capital as Power @ Historical Materialism 2018: Panel Series at The Great Transition Conference, Montreal, May 17-20, 2018
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Montreal. April.
(Other; English).
Capitalist Income and Hierarchical Power: A Gradient Hypothesis
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/06. July. pp. 1-32.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
CasP's 'Differential Accumulation' versus Veblen's 'Differential Advantage'
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/08. November. pp. 1-9.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Corporate Urbanization: Between the Future and Survival in Lebanon
Sharp, Deen Shariff.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Graduate Faculty in Earth and Environmental Sciences. City University of New York.
(Thesis; English).
Craftwashing in the U.S. Beer Industry
Howard, Philip H..
Beverages. Vol. 4. No. 1. pp. 1-13.
(Article - Journal; English).
Economics from the Top Down: Does Hierarchy Unify Economic Theory?
Fix, Blair.
Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Graduate Program in Environmental Studies. York University. Toronto. August.
(Thesis; English).
El capital como poder. Un estudio del orden y el creorden.
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan
Traducción al español de Jesús Suaste Cherizola.
Jerusalem and Montreal.
The Bichler & Nitzan Archives.
(Book; Spanish).
Energy, Hierarchy and the Origin of Inequality
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/09. December. pp. 1-47.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
Global Capital: Political Economy of Capitalist Power (YorkU, GS/POLS 6285 3.0, Graduate, Winter Term, 2017-18)
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Political Science. York University.
(Course; English).
Hierarchy and the Power-Law Income Distribution Tail
Fix, Blair.
Journal of Computational Social Science. OnlineFirst. July. pp. 1-21.
(Article - Journal; English).
Is Hollywood a Risky Business? A Political Economic Analysis of Risk and Creativity
McMahon, James.
New Political Economy. No. OnlineFirst. 13 April. pp. 1-24.
(Article - Journal; English).
Kapitalizm: Sabotaj Yoluyla Büyüme – 2
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Meydan. Excerpted and Translated by Özgür Oktay. No. 43. February. pp. 22-23.
(Article - Magazine; Turkish).
Kapitalizm: Sabotaj Yoluyla Büyüme – 3
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Meydan. Excerpted and Translated by Özgür Oktay. No. 44. March. pp. 20-21.
(Article - Magazine; Turkish).
La théorie du capital humain, c’est du baratin!
Chavagneux, Christian.
Alternatives Economiques. 1 October.
(Review; French).
On Literature and Research: An Arabesque (על ספרות ומחקר: ערבסקה)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Edited by Giyora Neumann. Jerusalem and Montreal. July. pp. 1-21.
(Article - Monograph; Hebrew).
Podcast Interview with Blair Fix on Capitalism, Hierarchy, and Energy
Fix, Blair and de Beer, Pieter and Salisbury, Ryan.
Neighbor Science on Post-Scarcity Anarchism. 29 January.
(Interview; English).
Propertization: The Process by which Financial Corporate Power has Risen and Collapsed
Kim, Jongchul.
Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. September. pp. 58-82.
(Article - Journal; English).
Remembering Allen Fenichel, 1936-2018
Nitzan, Jonathan.
Montreal. July. pp. 1-2.
(Article - Monograph; English).
The Aggregation Problem: Implications for Ecological Economics
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/03. May. pp. 1-16.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The Autocatalytic Sprawl of Pseudorational Mastery (version 0.12)
Martin, Ulf.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/04. June. pp. 1-20.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The CasP Project: Past, Present, Future
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 1-39.
(Article - Journal; English).
The Growth of US Top Income Inequality: A Hierarchical Redistribution Hypothesis
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/05. July. pp. 1-56.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The Nordhaus Racket: How to Use Capitalization to Minimize the Cost of Climate Change and Win a Nobel for ‘Sustainable Growth’
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Research Note. 3 November. pp. 1-4.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The Nordhaus Racket: How to Use Capitalization to Minimize the Cost of Climate Change and Win a Nobel for ‘Sustainable Growth’
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 5 November.
(Article - Magazine; English).
The Trouble with Human Capital Theory
Fix, Blair.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/07. August. pp. 1-24.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
The Trouble with Human Capital Theory
Fix, Blair.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 86. 10 December. pp. 15-32.
(Article - Journal; English).
Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory
Debailleul, Corentin and Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 1. No. 3. April. pp. 40-57.
(Article - Journal; English).
Trump's Trade Wars Threaten US Foreign Investment
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review Blog. 17 March.
(Article - Magazine; English).
Una teoría de la acumulación realmente existente
Suaste Cherizola, Jesús.
Memoria. Revista de Crítica Militante. No. 3/267. October. pp. 80-82.
(Review; Spanish).
With Their Back to the Future: Will Past Earnings Trigger the Next Crisis?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Real-World Economics Review. No. 85. 19 September. pp. 41-56.
(Article - Journal; English).
With Their Back to the Future: Will Past Earnings Trigger the Next Crisis?
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2018/01. April. pp. 1-14.
(Article - Working Paper; English).
이윤의 경고: 피를 부를 것이다 (Profit Warning: There Will Be Blood)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
eCommons 지식공유지대. Translated by 박형준 (Hyengjoon Park). 12 April.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
트럼프의 무역 전쟁이 미국의 해외 투자를 위협하고 있다 (Trump’s Trade Wars Threaten US Foreign Investment)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
eCommons 지식공유지대. Translated by 박형준 (Hyengjoon Park). 8 April.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 04:00:32 2025 UTC.