Publication Type: "Thesis"

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Number of items: 19.

Baines, Joseph

Price and Income Dynamics in the Agri-Food System: A Disaggregate Perspective
Baines, Joseph. (2015). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Political Science. York University. March. (Thesis; English).

Cochrane, DT

What’s Love Got to Do with It? Diamonds and the Accumulation of De Beers, 1935-55
Cochrane, DT. (2015). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Program in Social and Political Thought. York University. December. (Thesis; English).

Dow, Matthew

Canada's Carbon Capitalism: In the Age of Climate Change
Dow, Matthew. (2019). Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Department of Politics. York University. Toronto. (Thesis; English).

Endresen, Markus

The Notions of the Valuable: How Symbolic and Economic Value Discuss the Fragile Nature of Ecology in Frank Herbert’s Dune
Endresen, Markus. (2024). Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis in Language Studies with Teacher Education, Faculty of Humanities, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. (Thesis; English).

Farrés Fernández, Guillem

Análisis de conflictos y Relaciones Internacionales, una elaboración teórica de Sociología del Poder. Causas de la Guerra del Líbano de 2006
Farrés Fernández, Guillem. (2018). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Ciencias Humanas: Geografía, Antropología y Estudios de África y Asia Asia. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. (Thesis; Spanish).

Fix, Blair

Economics from the Top Down: Does Hierarchy Unify Economic Theory?
Fix, Blair. (2018). Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Graduate Program in Environmental Studies. York University. Toronto. August. (Thesis; English).

Human Activity, Energy & Money in the United States: Connecting the Biophysical Economy with its Pecuniary Image
Fix, Blair. (2013). Unpublished Master Dissertation. Faculty of Environmental Studies. York University. Toronto. September. (Thesis; English).

Hager, Sandy Brian

Public Debt, Ownership and Power: The Political Economy of Distribution and Redistribution
Hager, Sandy Brian. (2013). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Political Science. York University. (Thesis; English).

Marshall, Adam Patrick

Rethinking the Political Economy of Environmental Conflict: Lessons from the UK Fracking Controversy
Marshall, Adam Patrick. (2023). Unpublished PhD dissertation. Department of Marketing, International Business and Tourism. Manchester Metropolitan University. (Thesis; English).

McMahon, James

What Makes Hollywood Run? Capitalist Power, Risk and the Control of Social Creativity
McMahon, James. (2015). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought. York University. November. (Thesis; English).

Mouré, Christopher

No Shortage of Profit: Technological Change, Chip 'Shortages', and Capital Accumulation in the Semiconductor Business
Mouré, Christopher. (2022). Unpublished Master Research Paper. Department of Politics. York University. Toronto. August (Thesis; English).

Nitzan, Jonathan

Inflation As Restructuring. A Theoretical and Empirical Account of the U.S. Experience
Nitzan, Jonathan. (1992). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Economics. McGill University. (Thesis; English).

Noble, Leonie

Follow the Money: The Political Economy of Petrodollar Accumulation and Recycling
Noble, Leonie. (2023). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. School of Humanities and Social Inquiry. University of Wollongong. March. (Thesis; English).

Ostojić, Mladen

Differential Taxation: The Case of American Banking
Ostojić, Mladen. (2015). Unpublished Major Research Paper (MRP). Political Science. York University. Toronto. 27 April. (Thesis; English).

Park, Hyeng-Joon

Dominant Capital and the Transformation of Korean Capitalism: From Cold War to Globalization
Park, Hyeng-Joon. (2013). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Political Science. York University. (Thesis; English).

Renzi, Alessandra

From Collectives to Connectives: Italian Media Activism and the Repurposing of the Social
Renzi, Alessandra. (2011). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Sociology and Equity Studies in Education. University of Toronto. (Thesis; English).

Sharp, Deen Shariff

Corporate Urbanization: Between the Future and Survival in Lebanon
Sharp, Deen Shariff. (2018). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Graduate Faculty in Earth and Environmental Sciences. City University of New York. (Thesis; English).

Suaste Cherizola, Jesús

El Capitalismo Contemporáneo y la Ontología de las Finanzas
Suaste Cherizola, Jesús. (2022). Tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en sociología. Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Alfonso Vélez Pliego”, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. (Thesis; Spanish).

Vastenaekels, Julien

Degrowth and Capital: Assembling a Power-Centred Theory of Change
Vastenaekels, Julien. (2023). Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Faculté des Science. Universite Libre de Bruxelles. (Thesis; English).

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