Israel and South Africa: Prospects for Their Transitions

Israel and South Africa: Prospects for Their Transitions
Nitzan, Jonathan. (1996). Emerging Markets Analyst. Vol. 4. No. 10. February. pp. 12-18. (Article - Magazine; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

The current transformations in both Israel and South Africa are driven more by global economics than domestic politics. This implies that the peace process in the case of Israel, and the transition toward a non-racial democracy and open economy in South Africa are much more resilient to political setbacks than is commonly assumed. By the same token, however, both processes are vulnerable to commodity price instability. Over the next few years, the prospects for both transitions are good. The longer-term outlook, however, will depend on whether standards of living rise in the Middle-East and employment growth accelerates in South Africa.



Publication Type

Article - Magazine


apartheid capital accumulation conglomerates elite gold labour Israel Middle East militarism oil peace profitability redistribution South Africa stagflation transnationalization war economy


BN Business Enterprise
BN Capital & Accumulation
BN International & Global
BN Civil Society
BN Labour
BN Class
BN State & Government
BN Comparative
BN Conflict & Violence
BN Crisis
BN War & Peace
BN Power
BN Policy
BN Distribution
BN Region - Africa
BN Region - Middle East

Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

04 Jan 2005

Last Modified

29 Mar 2016 22:51


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