The Global Political Economy of Israel (Book Review)

The Global Political Economy of Israel (Book Review)
Plaut, Steven. (2003). The Middle East Quarterly. Vol. X. No. 2. (Review; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

“The term ‘political economy’ in Nitzan and Bichler's work gives the book away. It is neither economics nor political science but flow-of-consciousness Marxoid rhetoric. The authors could not pass a quiz in first-year economics, and I doubt they would do well in freshman political science either. Instead, they pack their book with the usual leftist pseudo-thoughts. . . . The Global Political Economy of Israel is full of baseless sweeping generalities unsupported by any scientific evidence at all. . . .To the extent that there really is a ‘dominant class’ in Israel, it consists of yuppie leftists who vote for the left-wing political parties, in other words people very much like the two authors themselves. . . . The book is true to the genre of radical ‘scholarship’ in believing that nothing is so powerfully analytic as the invention of a nice polysyllable. . . . Such pomposity, mixed with a few macroeconomic structural equations with some Greek letters that the authors clearly do not understand, is meant to convey the impression of depth and scholarship. Could the authors even read a balance of payments table?”



Publication Type


Commentary on

The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2002). Pluto Press. (Book; English).


academia Israel


BN Myth
BN Ideology

Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

12 Jun 2007

Last Modified

31 Mar 2016 22:27


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