Blood for Oil?

Blood for Oil?
Boal, Iain and Clark, T. J. and Matthews, Joseph and Watts, Michael. (2005). London Review of Books. Vol. 27. No. 8, April 21. (Review; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

In this article, authors Boal, Clark, Matthews and Watts advance a supposedly new explanation for the wars in the Middle East.

Much of their explanation – including both theory and fact – is plagiarized. It is cut and pasted, almost ‘as is,’ from Nitzan and Bichler’s work. The primary source is ‘The Weapondollar-Petrodollar Coalition,’ a 71 page chapter in THE GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ISRAEL (Pluto 2002). The authors also seem inspired, incognito, by Nitzan and Bichler’s more recent papers, including ‘It’s All About Oil’ (2003), ‘Clash of Civilization or Capital Accumulation?’ (2004), ‘Beyond Neoliberalism’ (2004) and ‘Dominant Capital and the New Wars’ (2004).

For a detailed analysis of this plagiarism and the larger reasons behind it, see Nitzan and Bichler (2005) “The Scientist and the Church” (for a direct link, click on the Commentary/Response Thread at the bottom of this page).



Publication Type


Commentary on

The Global Political Economy of Israel.
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2002). Pluto Press. (Book; English).


Arms exports capital conflict inflation Iraq Middle East oil scarcity United States war


BN War & Peace
BN Conflict & Violence
BN State & Government
BN Region - Middle East
BN Agency
BN Hegemony
BN International & Global
BN Power
BN Region - North America
BN Business Enterprise
BN Capital & Accumulation
BN Policy
BN Value & Price
BN Crisis

Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

26 Jul 2007

Last Modified

01 Apr 2016 22:29


Commentary/Response Threads

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