
Holmes, Brian. (2006). July. (Lecture / Presentation; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

FROM THE LECTURE: The concept I’m going to present draws directly from the work of Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan. It describes the economic phases of "depth" and "breadth," and correlates them with the first- and second-order cybernetics of control. It attempts to situate the functions of cultural-communicational labor within these economic phases. It questions those autonomist Marxists who thought it would be possible to transform a broadly expansionary phase of capitalism, like that of the ‘90s, into a qualitatively different society. It’s not a polemic, but seeks to open up a field of strategic debate. It doesn’t assert a future, but observes the unfolding of the present into the depths of violence, which has robbed resistance movements of their potential, again. The concept is Peace-for-War.

Duration of video presentation: 39 Minutes.



Publication Type

Lecture / Presentation

Commentary on

Dominant Capital and the New Wars
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Journal of World-Systems Research. Vol. 10. No. 2, August. pp. 254-327. (Article - Journal; English).


Arms accumulation capital capitalism conflict corporation crisis distribution elite energy finance globalization growth imperialism GPE liberalism Middle East military national interest neoliberalism oil OPEC ownership peace power profit ruling class security stagflation state stock market technology TNC United States US violence war


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Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

12 Feb 2007

Last Modified

02 Apr 2016 16:11


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