Clash of Civilization, or Capital Accumulation?

Clash of Civilization, or Capital Accumulation?
Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon. (2004). News From Within. Vol. XX. No. 3, July. pp. 4-6. (Article - Magazine; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

Over the past three years, we have published several articles where we made a series of very ‘contrarian’ predictions on the new wars. Specifically, we claimed: (1) That direct U.S. intervention will conveniently if not intentionally ‘fail’ to stabilize the Middle East; (2) That the new wars will make oil not plenty and cheap, but scarce and expensive; (3) That the leading oil companies will profit greatly from the new environment of heightened instability and soaring oil prices; (4) That rising oil prices are likely to fuel global stagflation (stagnation together with inflation); and, (5) That the shift toward stagflation – should it occur – would not hinder accumulation but rather boost it, particularly for the largest corporate coalitions. When these claims were first made, they were greeted with a mixture of indifference and hostility. The conventional ‘postisms’ of ethnicity, race and culture pays little attention to capital accumulation, oil prices or inflation, and none at all to their analysis. By contrast, analysts of politics and economics deal extensively with such questions – but to them our arguments sounded like conspiratorial nonsense. As it turns out, the pundits got it wrong.



Publication Type

Article - Magazine


accumulation capital capitalism civilization conflict crisis debt differential accumulation distribution elite energy finance globalization growth imperialism Israel GPE inflation liberalism Marxism Middle East military neoliberalism oil OPEC peace postmodernism power profit ruling class security stagflation state technology TNC United States US violence war


BN Agency
BN Business Enterprise
BN Capital & Accumulation
BN International & Global
BN Civil Society
BN Civilization & Social Systems
BN Class
BN State & Government
BN Comparative
BN Methodology
BN Conflict & Violence
BN Money & Finance
BN Cooperation & Collective Action
BN Value & Price
BN Crisis
BN War & Peace
BN Culture
BN Power
BN Policy
BN Distribution
BN Production
BN Growth
BN Hegemony
BN Region - North America
BN Region - Middle East
BN Ideology
BN Industrial Organization
BN Institutions

Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

25 Sep 2004

Last Modified

01 Apr 2016 03:57


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