A Requiem for Carbon Capitalism?

A Requiem for Carbon Capitalism?
Hager, Sandy Brian. (2021). Sandy Brian Hager's Blog. 27 July. (Article - Magazine; English).

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Abstract or Brief Description

The fossil fuels business has fallen on hard times. For years the sector has been mired in a slump due to stubbornly low oil and gas prices, concerns over climate change, as well as technological breakthroughs in renewable energy technologies. With the Covid-19 pandemic dealing a further blow to their fortunes, some media pundits claim that fossil fuels companies are entering a phase of terminal decline.

News of the immanent demise of companies responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions might sound like a boon for efforts to avert climate breakdown. But just how bad is the outlook for fossil fuels? In this research note, I offer a preview of findings from a new research project on the financial performance of the fossil fuels sector on a global scale.

My research shows that the share of oil, gas and coal companies in global profit and capitalization has steadily decreased over the past half century, while that of alternative energy companies has jumped since 2018. But despite falling distributive shares, what we also find is that the overall magnitude of oil, gas and coal profit and capitalization currently dwarfs that of the alternative energy companies. All signs indicate that capitalists are still, as Tim Di Muzio observed a decade ago, capitalizing a future unsustainable.



Publication Type

Article - Magazine


capitalization energy fossil fuel net profit oil companies


BN Power
BN Value & Price
BN Business Enterprise
BN Capital & Accumulation
BN Crisis
BN Ecology & Environment

Depositing User

Jonathan Nitzan

Date Deposited

09 Sep 2021 21:43

Last Modified

10 Sep 2021 08:03



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