Language: "Korean"

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Number of items: 19.


제국주의와 금융주의 : 어느 결합체에 관한 이야기(비클러 & 닛잔 2012) (Imperialism and Financialism: A Story of a Nexus)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2023). En-movement. Translated from the English by Kihyung Park. (Article - Magazine; Korean).


이윤의 경고: 피를 부를 것이다 (Profit Warning: There Will Be Blood)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). eCommons 지식공유지대. Translated by 박형준 (Hyengjoon Park). 12 April. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

트럼프의 무역 전쟁이 미국의 해외 투자를 위협하고 있다 (Trump’s Trade Wars Threaten US Foreign Investment)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2018). eCommons 지식공유지대. Translated by 박형준 (Hyengjoon Park). 8 April. (Article - Magazine; Korean).


Chaebol: the Transnational Capital that Rules Korea (재벌, 한국을 지배하는 초국적 자본).
Park, Hyeng-Joon (2013). Bookworld. (Book; Korean).

The False Dichotomy of South Korean Economic Theories: An Interview with Hyeng-Joon Park
Park, Hyeng-Joon. (2013). The Hankyoreh. (Interview; Korean).

The False Dichotomy of South Korean Economic Theories: An Interview with Hyeng-Joon Park (한국 경제이론의 잘못된 이분법: 박형준 연국원과의 인터뷰)
Park, Hyeng-Joon. (2013). The Hankyoreh. September. (Interview; Korean).


Systemic Fear, Modern Finance and the Future of Capitalism (체제적 공포, 현대 금융과 자본주의의 미래)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2010). Global Political Economy Institute. Translated by Gibin Hong. October. pp. 1-54. (Article - Working Paper; Korean).

Is Global Financial Capitalism Following the Path of Communism? (금융 자본주의는 소련 공산주의의 뒤를 밟을 것인가?: 자본 시장의 심장 박동이 멈추었다)
Hong, Gibin. (2010). Pressian. September. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

The Global Capital Market Under “Systemic Fear” ('체제적 공포' 엄습한 자본시장)
Hong, Gibin. (2010). Economy Insight. October. pp. 76-78. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

Have Predatory Means Advanced in Global Finance? (야수적금융업이 선진금융인가?)
Lee, Jong-Tae. (2010). Sisain. October. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

Left Unattended, the Capitalist Crisis Could Culminate in the Collapse of Global Civilization (자본주의 위기 방치하면 세계대전 일어난다)
Lee, Jong-Tae. (2010). Sisain. October. pp. 44-47. (Interview; Korean).

Systemic Fear, Modern Finance and the Future of Capitalism (체제적 공포, 현대 금융과 자본주의의 미래) -- VIDEO
Nitzan, Jonathan and Hong, Gibin. (2010). 29 September. (Lecture / Presentation; Korean).


Capital As Power (권력 자본론).
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan (2004). Translated with an Introduction by Gibin Hong. Samin Books. (Book; Korean).

War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2004). Chamsesang Kongdongche. January. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

How Does 'Power' Become a 'Goose that Lays Golden Eggs'? Reply to Seoung-Ho Park. ('권력'은 어떻게 '황금알을 낳는 거위´가 되는가?)
Hong, Gibin. (2004). PRESSian. August. (Review; Korean).

Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "Capital As Power"
Myung-Seop, Ko. (2004). Hankyoreh Shinmun. June. (Review; Korean).

If Capital is Power, Is Power Capital? Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "Capital As Power". ([권력 자본론] 서평: 자본이 권력이면 권력이 자본인가?)
Park, Seoung-Ho. (2004). PRESSian. July. (Review; Korean).

Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "Capital As Power"
Sang-Ho, Le. (2004). Dong-A Ilbo. June. (Review; Korean).


Global Accumulation and the Future of the Global Political Economy: A Series of Articles (세계적 축적과 지구 정치 경제의 항뱡)
Hong, Gibin. (2003). PRESSian. (Article - Magazine; Korean).

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