Number of items: 19.
Capital As Power (권력 자본론).
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan
Translated with an Introduction by Gibin Hong.
Samin Books.
(Book; Korean).
Systemic Fear, Modern Finance and the Future of Capitalism (체제적 공포, 현대 금융과 자본주의의 미래)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Global Political Economy Institute. Translated by Gibin Hong. October. pp. 1-54.
(Article - Working Paper; Korean).
War Profits, Peace Dividends and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (전쟁을 통한 이익, 평화배당금, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
Chamsesang Kongdongche. January.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
이윤의 경고: 피를 부를 것이다 (Profit Warning: There Will Be Blood)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
eCommons 지식공유지대. Translated by 박형준 (Hyengjoon Park). 12 April.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
제국주의와 금융주의 : 어느 결합체에 관한 이야기(비클러 & 닛잔 2012) (Imperialism and Financialism: A Story of a Nexus)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
En-movement. Translated from the English by Kihyung Park.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
트럼프의 무역 전쟁이 미국의 해외 투자를 위협하고 있다 (Trump’s Trade Wars Threaten US Foreign Investment)
Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan.
eCommons 지식공유지대. Translated by 박형준 (Hyengjoon Park). 8 April.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
Global Accumulation and the Future of the Global Political Economy: A Series of Articles (세계적 축적과 지구 정치 경제의 항뱡)
Hong, Gibin.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
How Does 'Power' Become a 'Goose that Lays Golden Eggs'? Reply to Seoung-Ho Park. ('권력'은 어떻게 '황금알을 낳는 거위´가 되는가?)
Hong, Gibin.
PRESSian. August.
(Review; Korean).
Is Global Financial Capitalism Following the Path of Communism? (금융 자본주의는 소련 공산주의의 뒤를 밟을 것인가?: 자본 시장의 심장 박동이 멈추었다)
Hong, Gibin.
Pressian. September.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
The Global Capital Market Under “Systemic Fear” ('체제적 공포' 엄습한 자본시장)
Hong, Gibin.
Economy Insight. October. pp. 76-78.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
Have Predatory Means Advanced in Global Finance? (야수적금융업이 선진금융인가?)
Lee, Jong-Tae.
Sisain. October.
(Article - Magazine; Korean).
Left Unattended, the Capitalist Crisis Could Culminate in the Collapse of Global Civilization (자본주의 위기 방치하면 세계대전 일어난다)
Lee, Jong-Tae.
Sisain. October. pp. 44-47.
(Interview; Korean).
Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "Capital As Power"
Myung-Seop, Ko.
Hankyoreh Shinmun. June.
(Review; Korean).
Systemic Fear, Modern Finance and the Future of Capitalism (체제적 공포, 현대 금융과 자본주의의 미래) -- VIDEO
Nitzan, Jonathan and Hong, Gibin.
29 September.
(Lecture / Presentation; Korean).
Chaebol: the Transnational Capital that Rules Korea (재벌, 한국을 지배하는 초국적 자본).
Park, Hyeng-Joon
(Book; Korean).
The False Dichotomy of South Korean Economic Theories: An Interview with Hyeng-Joon Park
Park, Hyeng-Joon.
The Hankyoreh.
(Interview; Korean).
The False Dichotomy of South Korean Economic Theories: An Interview with Hyeng-Joon Park (한국 경제이론의 잘못된 이분법: 박형준 연국원과의 인터뷰)
Park, Hyeng-Joon.
The Hankyoreh. September.
(Interview; Korean).
If Capital is Power, Is Power Capital? Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "Capital As Power". ([권력 자본론] 서평: 자본이 권력이면 권력이 자본인가?)
Park, Seoung-Ho.
PRESSian. July.
(Review; Korean).
Review of Bichler and Nitzan's "Capital As Power"
Sang-Ho, Le.
Dong-A Ilbo. June.
(Review; Korean).
This list was generated on Tue Jan 14 04:01:53 2025 UTC.